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In fact there is now over 100 videos on YouTube that have topped the billion view mark. Here's how much money YouTube paid creators for a video with 100,000, 1 million, and 150 million views, according to top YouTube creators. When I first started watching YouTube a few years back, it was pretty uncommon for a video to top the 1 million view mark. With YouTube Premium, you can watch millions of videos without ads. If you buy one million YouTube views from YouTube Promotion, you are on the safe side. Get high-quality real Youtube Targeted Views to your Youtube video in a few minutes up to few hours, up 30 countries, from 1,000 to 1 million … But in the past year, reaching 1 million views on YouTube seems to be the new bench mark for many creators. Youtube Targeted Views. Ayana Young is raising funds for 1 Million Redwoods Project on Kickstarter! All views from real users, who have watched your video. Backup videos from: YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Facebook and +40 sites in HD, MP3, MP4, AVI and all other formats using our software Ihr Video wird nicht nur von unseren Usern für mindestens 60 Sekunden angeschaut, zudem hinterlässt der ein oder andere Nutzer gerne ein Like. For The Wild is planting millions of trees, native plants and fungal companions to mitigate climate change and rapid species loss. Videos on YouTube Premium won’t include pre-roll or mid-roll video ads, banner ads, search ads, homepage banner ads, and in-video text-overlay-ads. 100,000 views — between $500 to $1,000 (Natalie Barbu) Also, you can spread 1 million views to two or several videos, just write to us about it before the order. Utilize to check your YouTube Stats and track your progress. 1000 YouTube Views einfach und bequem kaufen von echten Nutzern zur Steigerung des Ranking. You may still see incidental branding or promotions embedded in creators' content that isn't controlled by YouTube. Yep, billion with a B.