With its crystal-clear turquoise water – in which hundreds of swimmers splash about in the summer – it shapes the city’s life and characterizes the picturesque cityscape of the Old Town of Bern, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Poucas cidades conseguiram manter suas características históricas tão bem preservadas como Berna, a capital da Suíça.

Wenn du dich treiben lassen willst, musst du erst loslassen können. When the temperature rises, Bern’s inhabitants do what they like best: they go boating on the Aare. #movingtogitlab.

O centro histórico de Berna entrou para a lista de Patrimônios da Humanidade da UNESCO, e graças aos seus 6 km de arcadas – os moradores do local referem-se a elas como 'Lauben' –, a cidade ostenta os mais longos calçadões de compras cobertos da Europa. Once the temperature in Bern hits around 20°C, it’s time to bring out the rafts! The perfect air temperature. Current weather in Berne: Find the weather forecast for today and the next five days as well as current measurement values for Berne at search.ch The Aare is the longest wholly Swiss river. This is usually around the end of May or early June. The perfect water temperature. Device and plattform independent! The Aare river flows around three sides of the city of Bern. mAARE Web App - measures the water temperature of Bern city's river Aare fast and accurate. We recommend waiting until the water temperature has reached around 16°C (around the end of May) before rafting on the Aare.

Wetterdaten fürs Flussschwimmen in der Aare Sometimes green, sometimes turquoise and sometimes dark blue, the Aare winds its way through the city of Bern.

It originates from the Oberaar glacier in the eastern Bernese Alps, flows through lakes Brienz and Thun, passes by the federal capital of Bern, is channelled into Lake Biel, follows the southern foot of the Jura range and finally flows into the Rhine at Koblenz, in north-western Switzerland. Contribute to lbischof/dashing-aare-temperatur development by creating an account on GitHub.