Alan Moore's 'Incels love Rorschach' interview (lol) “[Gibbons and I] thought about superhero types like Batman, so I thought, ‘What would he be like in the real world.’ And he’d be very much like Rorschach—if you’re a revenge-driven vigilante, you’re not quite right in the head. Alan Moore is perhaps the most acclaimed writer in the graphic story medium, having garnered countless awards for works such as Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing and Miracleman.He is also the mastermind behind the America's Best Comics line, through which he has created (along with many talented illustrators) The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Promethea, Tom Strong, Tomorrow … Has any comic been as acclaimed as Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' Watchmen?Possibly only Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, but Watchmen remains the critics' favorite.
He's supposed to be a pitiable and broken creature. Says he ... “I sat on the bed. That is my story!' ... ― Alan Moore, Watchmen. Watchmen Quotes Showing 1-30 of 143 “Heard joke once: Man goes to doctor. I meant him to be a bad example. I looked at the Rorschach blot. I tried to make it look like a spreading tree, shadows pooled beneath it, but it didn't. Moore intended for us to feel sympathy for him, but only in terms of the complete wreck of a human being that he had been reduced to. But I have people come up to me in the street saying, "I am Rorschach!
Rorschach is not supposed to seem like a strong, battle scarred warrior. So actually, sort of, Rorschach became the most popular character in Watchmen. Why? However, Moore is still open to talking about the history of his comic and even recently revealed to Bleeding Cool that David Bowie wanted to play Rorschach at one point. Because Moore is a better writer, and Watchmen a more complex and dark and literate creation than Miller's fantastic, subversive take on the Batman myth. And I'll be thinking: 'Yeah, great, can you just keep away from me, never come anywhere near me again as long as I live'?” ― Alan Moore