Students must have gained a theoretical and practical background in modern materials or media conservation prior to entering this Master’s programme. Access 130+ million publications and connect with 15+ million researchers.
Join for free and gain visibility by uploading your research. Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Students records will be examined individually and assessed in accordance with the plan of studies for Theater and Dance Studies. Study in Switzerland Geneva belongs to a select group of truly “international” cities of the world, making it an ideal place to study international management. ... CTU Bern. Curriculum Vitae. The University of the Arts Bern - Acrobatics (Bachelor 1,2,3) - Morning Traning (Bachelor 1,2,3 + Master) since June 2018 at the CTU; Bachelor of Arts in History (January 2018) Research Groups. Additional attainments of 30 to 60 ECTS credits will be required which must be fulfilled in order to complete the master's degree program. When this is done, you can apply via Email for a transcript of records or a Minor confirmation. The majority of Switzerland's population (nearly eight million people) live on an area referred to as the "Plateau", where the heavily populated cities of Geneva and Zurich are located. The pre-requisites can be acquired at the Bern University of the Arts (BUA) within the Bachelor curriculum in conservation (3 … The Bachelor of Business Administration program draws on the wealth of international know-how and resources of its faculty, visiting speakers. Thomet Philippe, BA. Bern is the capital of Switzerland, a landlocked country that consists of 26 cantons, or territorial subdivisions that differ slightly in administration procedures. We will send you this via snailmail. Minor from a different university (Minor at Faculty of Humanities, Major from another university) The Institute must set the Minor to "Fachanforderung erfüllt" at the KSL (green beam, not just green "E"). Supporting study sites and sponsors in tasks related to the study database.