Our useful station/stop search on BVG online: Set your location & find your means of transportation. To plan your tour in Berlin quickly get our Fahrinfo-App!
Bereits im Sommer hatte die BVG anlässlich des U2-Konzerts im Olympiastadion einen … Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG): Der öffentliche Nahverkehr in Berlin mit Fahrplanauskunft, Verkehrsmeldungen, Apps, digitalen Tickets & Abos sowie News der BVG. We do! Thus subway tickets are also valid for trips with buses, the S-Bahn, trams and vice versa.
Currently, the traffic of the BVG flows largely without interference. Tickets can be purchased at ticket machines on subway platforms and ticket counters in larger stations.
The construction of this system has been.. Berlin. all traffic news; all faulty lifts The underground in Berlin is maintained by the Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe BVG and is part of the Transport Association Berlin-Brandenburg VBB. BVG Trip Planner. save list for stops. Zur Analyse des …
Interactive online route & city map incl. Berlin U-Bahn: Download the Berlin Metro map and get all the usefull information about its lines, stations, schedules, tickets, fares, frequency and The Berlin Metro (in german Berliner U-Bahn) was opened in 1902 and has been updated almost until 2009. Help In case your journey does not take you simply from stop to stop, you can find out how to reach your first stop or the route to take from your last stop. Plan your Berlin tour & enjoy the capital's atmosphere. Les rames du métro berlinois parcourrent quotdiennement 400 000 kilomètres, soit 132 millions de kilomètres à l'année. Avec une vitesse moyenne de 30,7 km/h, les rames circulent par intervalle de trois à 5 minutes. You don't have a plan?
Le métro berlinois assure la moitié du trafic de la BVG.
This service is particularly useful when addresses or local places of interest are entered.