No. This is something of a legal gray area. 70% Upvoted. by accessing or using the site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth […] As it doesn't modify the YouTube website, but rather only its rendering on your device, I can't see how it would be illegal. 4. So it is just a MOD version of Youtube, which means some component which the official app of Youtube does not gives is provided by the Youtube Vanced app. [Question] Is YouTube Vanced legal in Germany or can I get in some sort of trouble for using it? 5 comments. Close. It not illegal to use YouTube Vanced. Now the Team Vanced (@Razerman @ZaneZam @Laura almeida and @KevinX8) continuing it with official YouTube app updates. please read this document carefully before accessing or using the site. The WebSite (the “Site”) is an online information service provided by YOUTUBE VANCED (““), subject to your compliance with the terms and conditions set forth below. Question. However, if YouTube (Google (Alphabet)) wanted to, I'm sure they could get you in some sort of trouble legally for using it.. save hide report. You will find most of the added features that are expected by YouTube users for a long time. share. So far, YouTube’s parent company Google hasn’t struck the banhammer on YouTube Vanced, so it can be said that the latter hasn’t done anything unlawful for the search giant to mobilize its legal team. Is YouTube Vanced legal? hey leute bei youtube gibt es einen film (2 stunden lang) und ich würde den gerne downloaden weil ich weiß das es ein video ist, was nach 1-4 monaten wieder rausgenommen wird..... kennt ihr einige downlaoder die sicher virenfrei legal und videos die länger als 2 stunden speichern Posted by 3 months ago [Question] Is YouTube Vanced legal in Germany or can I get in some sort of trouble for using it? Question. YouTube Vanced APK; also know as iYTBP (injected YouTube Background Playback) formerly developed by Master_T, a senior contributor on XDA forums has discontinued the project and some other developers have taken that project and renamed it as "Vanced".