Cambridge Analytica Ltd (CA) was a British political consulting firm that combined misappropriation of digital assets, data mining, data brokerage and data analysis with strategic communication during the electoral processes. By Sanjana Karanth.
Cambridge Analytica. Facebook Exec Says Company Helped Elect Trump And May Just Do It Again. It was started in 2013 as an offshoot of the SCL Group.
Edition. Comment Cambridge Analytica est devenue une arme de destruction démocratique massive Par Claire Chartier , publié le 04/03/2020 à 18:30 , mis à jour le 21/04/2020 à 17:29
U.S. Cambridge Analytica is being loudly criticized for apparently using massive amounts of data on 50 million Facebook users to formulate political … NEWS CORONAVIRUS POLITICS 2020 ELECTIONS ENTERTAINMENT LIFE PERSONAL VIDEO SHOPPING. Cambridge Analytica worked for the eventual 2016 GOP presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Facebook Vice President Andrew Bosworth also said that the president's victory was not a result of outside influence but of clever digital advertising. Had Trump not won the election, “my life (would be) very different,” Kogan said. Facebook Fined Record $5 …