Born In: New York City, New York. Francesca Woodman (2000). Diane Arbus, photographe de presse, Éd.Herscher. Born On: March 14, 1923. Died At Age: 48. She was married to actor Allan Arbus. Photographer Diane Arbus took eerie portraits of off-beat subjects that made New York in the 1950s and '60s look both crazy and beautiful.
“Francesca Woodman. Diane Nemerov a grandi dans un quartier huppé de New York proche de Central Park au milieu du magasin de mode de ses parents, Russeks, sur la prestigieuse Cinquième Avenue.. Zitate und Sprüche von Diane Arbus ... Ich habe noch nie ein Foto gemacht, wie ich es beabsichtigt hatte. Famous As: Photographer. Catalogo della mostra (Providence-Roma-New York)”, p.23, Castelvecchi Deuxième livre conçu par Doon Arbus et Marvin Israel. 23 Great Quotes By Diane Arbus To Fire Your Imagination . Died On: July 26, 1971. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème Diane arbus, Photographie de rue et Photographie. She is well-known for clicking photographs of people like transgenders, circus performers, giants, nudists and dwarfs who are normally perceived as surreal … 13 nov. 2016 - Découvrez le tableau "Diane Arbus" de fc06130 sur Pinterest. Sie sind immer schlechter oder besser.
Arbus' early work was created using 35mm cameras, but by the 1960s Arbus adopted the Rolleiflex medium format twin-lens reflex. Diane Arbus was an American photographer, noted for her portraits of people on the fringes of society, such as transvestites, dwarfs, giants, prostitutes, and ordinary citizens in unconventional poses and settings. Diane Arbus was a celebrated American photographer. Une enfance luxueuse. Au lycée, elle rencontre celui qui deviendra plus tard l’homme de sa vie, Allan Arbus, un photographe qui ne plait pas aux parents de Diane à cause de ses origines sociales. ... Weitere Zitate