It was indeed hard to understand Churchill until you got used to how he spoke, and even harder over the sound of the typewriter. Total Count: 300. Darkest Hour is held together by Gary Oldman's electrifying performance, which brings Winston Churchill to life even when the movie's narrative falters. As the unstoppable Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion is imminent, and with an unprepared public, a skeptical King, … Darkest Hour is a 2017 war drama film directed by Joe Wright and written by Anthony McCarten.Set in May 1940, it stars Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill and is an account of his early days as prime minister during the Second World War and the May 1940 War Cabinet Crisis, while Nazi Germany's Wehrmacht swept across Western Europe and threatened to defeat the United Kingdom. Browse all products in the Music category from Twisted Insane. With Gary Oldman, Lily James, Kristin Scott Thomas, Ben Mendelsohn. In the Darkest Hour movie, Winston Churchill (Gary Oldman) scolds his personal secretary Elizabeth Layton (Lily James) for hearing him wrong and dictating the incorrect word.It's her first day working for him and his harshness scares her off. Directed by Joe Wright. Yes. Welcome to antiheroproductions. Darkest Hour (2017) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. In May 1940, the fate of World War II hangs on Winston Churchill, who must decide whether to negotiate with Adolf Hitler, or fight on knowing that it could mean the end of the British Empire. Darkest Hour @ The Bonnie Kate Theater April 10th $ 12.00