Mai 2020 ⌂ Home ⌂ Studiengänge ... Wirtschaftsinformatik (B.Sc.) Impressum. You can start all our programs both in summer and winter semester. Introductory remarks The module handbook documents the current study program of the bachelor and master programmes at the Computer Science Department of the University of Kaiserslautern..

2. In the case that other duties prevent your from enrolling right now, please check if our distance learning entry option is a solution for you.. No matter if before or during your studies - we never leave you alone. TU Kaiserslautern - Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 47, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany - Rated 4.4 based on 110 Reviews "Great Institution.

The study program is structured into modules, classified into … Apply now - but where?

The current Corona pandemia imposes massive challenges also on our department. Information about implications on teaching, research, and administration in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering can be found here. Das RHRK prüft zu gegebener Zeit, ob eine Passwortänderung durchgeführt wurde, und behält sich vor, die Accounts bis zu einer erfolgreichen Passwortänderung zu sperren. Wirtschaftsrecht (LL.B) Wirtschaftsinformatik – Business Information Systems (B.Sc.) Als primäre Vorsichtsmaßnahme ist es zwingend notwendig, dass alle Benutzer der TU Kaiserslautern die Passwörter ihrer persönlichen RHRK-Accounts ändern. Below you will find a list of all Master's and Certificate programmes with direct enrolment at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern or at the Saarland University.