The Watchmen: Ultimate Cut was released on Blu-ray in the UK on Monday, November 25th 2019.

See the Ultimate Cut like never before in this exquisitely remastered version that intertwines the animated “Tales of the Black Freighter” into The Director’s Cut of Watchmen. 2019's UK Watchmen boasts one fundamental difference over its sibling, wielding a presentation that …
Watchmen 2009 Ultimate Cut BluRay REMUX 1080p VC-1 TrueHD 5.1 - KRaLiMaRKo Watchmen 2009 Director's Cut UK Transfer BluRay REMUX 1080p AVC TrueHD 5.1 - KRaLiMaRKo Adam 2009 720p HDTV DD5.1 x264-CtrlHD [Request]

As a 4-disc set, a number of extras are included as well. The graphic novel Watchmen by Alan Moore is considered be one of the best and influential literature of all time. Please enable it to continue. Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut makes its UK 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray debut in the wake of a preceding US 4K release from way back in 2016, which wasn't met with complete satisfaction by any means, but which still championed an earnest improvement over the SDR 1080p Blu-ray predecessor. Okay, I've read some of the reviews on amazon that really don't explain any differences between the Director's Cut of Watchmen, and The Ultimate Cut. "Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut" tells the stories of retired superheroes in a 1980's world when nuclear tension was at its height. Der Comedian fiel einem mysteriösen Mord zum Opfer. Based on a well-known cult graphic novel, "Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut" is the sweeping sci-fi adaptation of the book. We're sorry but jw-app doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled.

Etliche Jahre nach ihrem letzten gemeinsamen Einsatz treten seine ehemaligen Kameraden wieder als Team auf, um in diesem Mordfall zu ermitteln - und zu überleben. Based on a well-known cult graphic novel, "Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut" is the sweeping sci-fi adaptation of the book. When it was first announced that Zack Snyder would direct the film adaptation of the classic novel, fans were skeptical of … Fans unite! "Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut" tells the stories of retired superheroes in a 1980's world when nuclear tension was at … Ultimate Cut (215 min.) Watchmen - Ultimate Cut Im Jahr 1985 steht für Amerikas berühmteste Superhelden alles auf dem Spiel. See the Ultimate Cut like never before in this exquisitely remastered version that intertwines the animated “Tales of the Black Freighter” into The Director’s Cut of Watchmen. Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut is director Jack Snyder’s love letter to the comic book of the same name that redefined a genre and became a classic of its time. Da mich "Watchmen" auf DVD sehr postiv überrascht hat, würde mich eine deutsche Veröffentlichung des Ultimate Cut, sehr interessieren. Maximum Movie Mode - This very cool feature enhances the best parts of the In-Movie Experience (IME) found in many of Warner's Blu-ray titles to create an entirely new experience. Watchmen: Director's Cut (HD, 186 min) — The second disc in the package is a Blu-ray copy of the director's cut from 2009, which was previously reviewed here. Watchmen - Die Wächter erscheint auch in Deutschland als Ultimate Cut (12.11.2019) Nicht unerwähnt soll bleiben, dass Gerard Butler einen Anfangscredit bekommt, weil er ja hier die Stimme vom Sea Captain in der Black Freighter Tales ist.

As a 4-disc set, a number of extras are included as well. Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut Billy Crudup Malin Akerman Jackie Earle Haley (2009) After his former colleague is murdered, a masked vigilante (Jackie Earle Haley) uncovers a plot to discredit and destroy the world's superheroes. Mostly, I found alot of personal tastes and either complaining about the movie, or fanboys wishing it were a carbon copy of the comic novel.