Nationwide, toll plazas are being replaced by FasTrak-style services or a camera that notes your license plate and mails you a bill. FasTrak payment is accepted at following toll bridges in California: Golden Gate Bridge FasTrak identifies your vehicle by its license plate number to link your payment. The Golden Gate Bridge Toll Plaza has 11 toll lanes. The Golden Gate Bridge began requiring electronic payments for all tolls in March 2013, and all the Orange County toll roads run by TCA likewise did the same in May 2014.

The following is a chronology of Golden Gate Bridge tolls from the opening of the Bridge in 1937 to the present for two-axle vehicles. Visit the FasTrak website at for more information. Golden Gate Bridge License Plate Accounts.

If you cross the Golden Gate Bridge or other Bay Bridges regularly, getting a FasTrak account will be the easiest option. Instead, you can use one of four easy ways to pay your Golden Gate Bridge toll — a FasTrak Account, a License Plate Account, a One-Time Payment, or a Toll Invoice. A FasTrak toll tag will deduct the toll from your account.

FasTrak Pay-by-Plate GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE TOLL STRUCTURE 2 $6.50 $7.50 AUTO – Two-axle motor vehicle with single rear wheels, limousines, recreational vehicles, delivery vans, etc. A: All Golden Gate Bridge tolls are collected electronically, in the southbound direction into San Francisco. There are four easy ways to pay a Golden Gate Bridge toll - a FasTrak Account, License Plate Account, One-Time Payment, and Toll Invoice. [6] San Francisco County. The Golden Gate Bridge is a suspension bridge spanning the Golden Gate, the one-mile-wide (1.6 km) strait connecting San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.The structure links the U.S. city of San Francisco, California—the northern tip of the San Francisco Peninsula—to Marin County, carrying both U.S. Route 101 and California State Route 1 across the strait.
GGBHTD was formed in 1928 as the entity to build, maintain and operate the Golden Gate Bridge. At the Golden Gate Bridge, all tolls are assessed electronically - in the southbound direction, heading into San Francisco - with no stopping at the toll plaza. Use self-service features on and using our automated phone service at 877-BAY-TOLL.
FasTrak is, by far, the easiest and preferred way to pay tolls on every tolled bridge, lane and road in California -- and, in some cases, it’s the only way to pay. Toll Plaza Configuration No More FasTrak Only Lanes with All Electronic Tolling. San Francisco County. Here you can pay one or more tolls to cross the Golden Gate Bridge, going southbound into San Francisco. FasTrak Golden Gate Bridge Accounts P.O. Golden Gate Bridge travelers will continue to receive penalties.

Case study: San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge.

San Diego County.

Tolls are assessed in the southbound direction only as you are traveling into San Francisco.

Tolls are no longer collected at the Bridge. Box 26879 San Francisco, CA 94126 FasTrak Violations P.O.

Bay Area Bridges. Toll History. And if you don't have a FasTrak account, you may be in for a fight. Golden Gate Bridge.