Herzlich willkommen auf der Website des Instituts für Psychologie! Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.Ed.) Florida Atlantic University's Graduate College is responsible for promoting quality graduate education. 561-297-4828 COMinfo@health.fau.edu Sie finden hier alle Informationen rund um das Psychologie-Studium an der FAU, Ansprechpartner, Formulare, … The program has a strong scientific/experimental emphasis in traditional areas of psychology including cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, personality and social psychology, and Behavioral Neuroscience, neuroscience, and the brain sciences.
Florida Atlantic University offers a Ph.D. graduate degree in psychology. Diese zeigt sich in neuem Design und wird fortlaufend überarbeitet und erweitert. It is designed to prepare graduates for careers in public accounting, industry and government.
Psychologie: NC WiSe 2019/2020+SoSe 2020 und Vorjahr - Studis Online Broschüre Studiengang Psychologie (BSc) FAQs zum Bachelorstudiengang Psychologie.
The Master of Education degree in Counselor Education with a specialization in Clinical Mental Health Counseling is designed to prepare graduates to assess, diagnose and treat clients with mental disorders as well as those with problems in living. More than 5000 international students currently study at FAU. Applicants for Master’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Sciences who have already applied for the same programme in the previous semester and have received an admissions letter should apply online under www.campo.fau.eu and upload their admissions letter to the upload area. We offer both Doctoral and Masters degrees on Experimental Psychology. The Master of Science in Finance program trains current and future professionals for productive careers in financial management, investment banking, and investment management. Zulassungsbeschränkungen / Numerus Clausus bei Psychologie im Wintersemester 2019/2020 und Sommersemester 2020; mit Bewerbungsfristen und Archiv seit 2014. Studiengangsgebühren- ... (NC) höheres Semester. in Instructional Technology. The MAC program offers concentrations in Accounting Information Systems and Taxation.
Promotionsfeier 2019. Master's Degree (M.Ed.)
The program includes Bloomberg Certification and preparation courses for the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) designation. Master's Degree (M.Ed.) Eine Anmeldung mit allen erforderlichen Unterlagen muss bis spätestens 1. Language courses. The Department of Psychology is represented by faculty at three FAU campuses (Boca Raton, Davie and Jupiter).
Students in front of a FAU building (Image: Uwe Niklas) As one of the strongest research universities in Germany, FAU offers over 70 Master’s degree programmes.
Diese zeigt sich in neuem Design und wird fortlaufend überarbeitet und erweitert. Herzlich willkommen auf der Website des Instituts für Psychologie! The Department of Psychology also offers a Master of Arts degree in Psychology, which provides graduate students with a solid foundation for doctoral studies in all areas of psychology. Sie finden hier alle Informationen rund um das Psychologie-Studium an der FAU, Ansprechpartner, Formulare, … The Department of Psychology at Florida Atlantic University has been designated a Program of Emphasis within the Florida State University System, providing exceptional opportunities to qualified students who are seeking careers in psychology. Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431.
Deshalb gibt es im Master Psychologie zwei Versionen von Modulhandbüchern, Formularen und Regelungen, und zwar für Studierende mit Studienbeginn AB Wintersemester 2017/18 und Studienbeginn VOR Wintersemester 2017/18.