The Marketing Department at the University of Applied Sciences Münster on We have programmes in Business Administration both for undergraduate and graduate students. Ziel des Moduls "Marketing" des ITB ist die Vermittlung des Überblicks sowie vertiefender Kenntnisse in den Bereichen Produkt-, Preis-, Kommunikations- und Distributions-Politik. MSB maintains partnerships for more than 35 years and provides a broad range of exchange places. ... find more documents from this course "Marketing" Marketing FH Münster Multhaup.docx. Our research focuses on how companies can create value to their customers through market-oriented management. Download this document for Marketing at Fachhochschule Münster for free and find more useful study materials for your courses. as well as business and legal principles are taught during the course.. We are especially proud of our top-ranked double-degree programmes in international business, the European Business Programme (EBP) and the German-Latin American Business … faculty at the FH Münster. Global Sales and Marketing Bachelor's degree programme, full-time Studies in developing skills in marketing and sales management for international companies The globalisation of the world economy creates interesting challenges and opportunities to work in the export sector or go abroad and experience another culture for a few years. Since that time the MCM is well known for its cutting-edge research and high-quality education. The Münster School of Business welcomes international students, Erasmus+ students and international-degree seeking students. Uploaded by Anonymous User at 2019-05-02. Most of them do not require tuition fees. In the three-year Bachelor’s degree program in Marketing & Sales an innovative teaching program ensures the quality of the degree program. The “Bachelor Betriebswirtschaft” (Bachelor in Business Administration) is the biggest course of studies at MSB and offers a ... Marketing, Finance, International Manage-ment, Taxation and Auditing, Quantitative Methods, Organisation and Business Informatics, HRM, Accounting and Controlling, Business Law. The teaching staff are experts with a background in business whose experience feeds into their teaching, guaranteeing a high level of professional practice.. Summaries. The Marketing Center Münster (MCM) at the University of Münster was founded by Prof. Heribert Meffert in 1969. The degree program provides a broad introduction to the scientific fundamentals of individual and mass media communication.Building from this, further relevant disciplines of communication (public relations, advertising, marketing, event communication, corporate identity, etc.) Vice-e-versa, exchange students coming from our partners in Europe and Asia enrich the programme´s intercultural student mix in MSB´s courses - hereby obtaining a double degree from FH Münster UAS.