Im Deutschen gibt es keine Verlaufsform der Zukunft und somit keine vergleichbare Zeitform. Use of the Present Progressive in the future. Das Future I Progressive ist eine Zeitform in der englischen Sprache und drückt den Verlauf einer Handlung in der Zukunft aus. The plumbers say … Forming the Present Participle The word that ends "-ing" is known as a present participle. “Next Monday we will be flying to Paris.” (Nächsten Montag werden wir nach Paris fliegen.) Beispiel: I will have finished my work by 6 o'clock tonight. Das simple present entspricht dem Infinitiv des Verbs. To talk about future things that are fixed, planned or definitely decided.
If you use the future progressive alone in a sentence, without a separate simple future verb to distinguish a long action from a short one, then yes, they basically mean the same thing.
While some languages, for example Spanish and Italian, also have a present progressive, they are not used to indicate the future. English is able to use the present progressive to talk about the future by employing temporal adverbs (in two weeks, tonight, tomorrow, etc). Grammatik - Zeiten und Verbformen - Zeiten - Zukunft - Future Progressive: Anschauliche Beispiele, hilfreiche Erklärungen und abwechslungsreiche Übungen zur direkten Anwendung - Englisch Lernen Online (Future Progressive) See the next comment for another example (will play soccer vs. will be playing soccer). (planned action »»» going to - future) 2. to foretell future actions for which we have proofs that they are going to happen.
Verwendung des Future Progressive für eine Handlung, die sich zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft im Ablauf befinden wird: “Tomorrow at 4 o’clock I ’ll be riding my bike. Das future perfect progressive (will/shall have been + ing-Form) wird wie die simple form verwendet, nur dass Vorgänge in ihrem Verlauf mit der progressive form zum Ausdruck gebracht werden. In your examples, the second (she will be coming soon) just emphasizes the continuing nature of the action a bit. (spontaneous reaction »»» will - future) Yes, I'm going to visit her next month. future progressive: he will be playing: future perfect progressive: he will have been playing: conditional I progressive: he would be playing: conditional perfect (II) progressive: he would have been playing: Simple present und present progressive. Will-future progressive einfach erklärt Viele Future tenses-Themen Üben für Will-future progressive mit Videos, interaktiven Übungen & Lösungen. ” (Morgen werde ich um vier Uhr Fahrrad fahren.) Forming the Future Progressive Tense The future progressive tense is formed like this: "will be" + [present participle ("verb-ing")] (This is the construction for singular and plural.)