The specific origins of elves remained lost to history for millennia,[1] until Brann Bronzebeard confirmed that the first elves were originally dark trolls that were transformed by the Well of Eternity.[2] Moon elves Also called silver elves, moon elves were one of the most common subraces. but, the problem is that, elves can't have facial hair, and they don' look older just their voice, like, htey don't have beards, and moustaches, and their hair never gets grey or white. And you'll have to ask Tolkein about the Nazgul :-) Aragorn being a Dunedain is like a human being German, its just more like species i guess including all races as humans. nice elf race' thanks i have been looking for male elf races' i saw the lunari that is beatiful' but it is just for female' thanks a lot. Wood Elf. Class is a fundamental choice of a player character for Lord of the Rings Online which determines your skills and abilities throughout your adventuring career, and also profoundly affects your stats, deeds, and the equipment available to you. An elf is a long-lived humanoid species native to Azeroth known for keen perception, grace, and great spellwork. As a wood elf, you have keen senses and intuition, and your fleet feet carry you quickly and stealthily through your native forests. They are one of the longest-lived species on Azeroth. The list started because at recess at school a friend asked me how many elven races I could name, which I then turned into a list in notepad, which evolved (at lvl 70) into a word… From left to right: a human, sun elf, wood elf, moon elf, drow, and wild elf. The difference between this generator and the Lord of the Rings Online generators is that these names are a lot more strict in terms of sticking to lore. To the right you see the heart of the site, a genealogy of Middle-Earth. LotrProject is dedicated to bringing J.R.R Tolkien's works to life through various creative web projects. Elf name generator - Lord of the Rings.

There are also interactive maps, timelines and statistics. This category includes the wild elves (grugach) of Greyhawk and the Kagonesti of Dragonlance, as well as the races called wood elves in … Aragorn is a Dunedain, but thats a subclass, I think, same that Legolas is a Silvan elf. Most of this list is racked from a forum (mainly the DnD stuff) and the guys at GitP have helped me quite a bit. There were at least seven different sub-races of elves: Sun elves Also called gold elves or high elves, sun elves were highly civilized elves with a natural gift for wizardry. Choosing a class can be constrained by the choice of race . This name generator will give you 5 random elf names fit for the Lord of the Rings universe.

Cast, characters, crew, and locations from the recent live-action film adaptations of The Lord of the Rings, as well as information on the books, audio and animated adaptations can be …