Skip to content . To connect with Europass Teacher Academy, join Facebook today. Who can apply for the Europass Mobility? Italian Language School FlorenceMonday-Friday 8.30am-5.30pm+39 055 247 9995. Europass is the most vibrant Italian language school in Florence, Italy and online. Europass Teacher Academy provides teachers with continuing education courses in innovative teaching methods within the framework of Erasmus+.

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We founded it 25 years ago so we could have our own place: welcoming, open, where it was easy to connect with others and experience something new. Vermutlich hat er in der Türkei eine Klasse mit 30 Teenagern unterrichtet und musste sich da stimmlich durchsetzen. Europass Teacher Academy. Europass Mobility. An seine Lautstärke muss man sich erstmal gewöhnen. Can I receive an Europass Mobility for an experience in my country of residence? Nicht nur fachliche Aspekte sind für den Erfolg im Berufsleben relevant – gerade auch die soziale Kompetenz erhöht die Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt ganz erheblich. Follow us: Facebook Instagram.

Like: Follow: Message: More: About. Er ist vor kurzem nach Dublin gezogen und arbeitet jetzt hauptberuflich für die Europass Teacher Academy. Can I apply for the Europass Mobility for a period spent abroad as an au pair or for language courses? or. School. In which countries may the periods of learning take place? Dem wird der Europass Sprachenpass gerecht. Europass Teacher Academy is on Facebook. CONTACT US. Menu. Today our flourishing school attracts hundreds of students from all … 4.9. Discover all the courses, activities & services we offer. Join.

Ein Lern- oder Arbeitsaufenthalt im Ausland hat immer auch eine sprachliche und kulturelle Dimension. View 73 reviews. Send Message. Europass Teacher Academy is where teachers turn to receive valuable resources for their classrooms and improve their academic skills. Which countries issue the Europass Mobility? Log In. Alina Niculae — Hello to all, last year I followed the Tablet and Smartphone course: using mobile devices as educational … As a international course provider with over 15 years' experience in organising courses for European teachers, EUROPASS is an ideal partner for organising your school’s international teacher training experience. 794 Followers, 1,443 Following, 42 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Europass Teacher Academy (@eu_teacheracademy) Der Europass Sprachenpass - Die kulturelle Dimension. Call +39 055 247 9995. Europass is an Italian language school in the historical centre of Florence, Italy. Switch language:Deutsch Español Italiano 日语 pусский 简体中文.