Cletus Kasady had a troubled childhood. When the alien symbiote busted Eddie Brock out of Jail, it infected his cellmate Cletus, transforming him into the blood-thirsty Carnage . Cletus Kasady: Becoming Carnage Venom’s offspring bonds with Kasady. Afterward... Cletus Kasady had a troubled childhood. If you wonder how to build Cletus Kasady based in he’s appearance in the venom post credit scene, here you have him! Cletus Kasady was born in Brooklyn, New York. Cletus Kasady was a murdering thief... and that was before he became one of Spider-Man's most fearsome foes. Cletus Kasady, the original and current carnage.
He commonly serves as one of the major antagonists of the Spider-Man series and one of the two main antagonists of the Venom series alongside Knull. Cletus Kasady, or also better known by his supervillain name Carnage, is a major antagonist from Marvel Comics. Carnage, alter ego di Cletus Kasady, è un personaggio immaginario dei fumetti creato da David Michelinie (testi) e Mark Bagley (disegni).
1) pubblicata dalla Marvel Comics, come Kasady nel n. 344 (febbraio 1991) e come Carnage nel n. 360 (marzo 1992). He killed his grandmother by pushing her down a flight of stairs, and tortured his mother's dog. When he was a child, Kasady started to show signs of psychopaty and even of being antisocial, having killed his mother's dog with a drill and his grandmother by pushing her down a flight of stairs.
My Instagram: @fashionlegocustoms. Ha esordito nella serie Amazing Spider-Man (vol. Together they form a stronger bond than Venom’s, making him a more powerful, stronger, and an altogether more vicious symbiote.