Inverse Compton Scattering The direct Compton (or simply Compton) scattering is not a very common process in astrophysics, but its inverse process is very widespread: inverse Compton. Compton scattering (komp -tŏn) (Compton effect) An interaction between a photon of electromagnetic radiation and a charged particle, such as an electron, in which some of the photon's energy is given to the particle.The photon is therefore reradiated at a lower frequency (i.e. –Material … Inverse Compton Scattering -- in Spa-a-a-a-ce! You can see the characteristic sharp drop at short wavelengths and gradual decrease at longer wavelengths. In particolar ... Figura 1.2: Spettro di emissione dello scattering Compton inverso.

The process is called inverse because the electrons lose energy rather than the photons, the opposite of the standard Compton effect. Changqing Zhu 1,2,6, Jinguang Wang 1,2,6, Jie Feng 1,2, Yifei Li 1,2, Dazhang Li 3, Minghua Li 1,2, Yuhang He 1,2, Jinglong Ma 1, Junhao Tan 1,2, Baolong Zhang 1,2, … This is a relativistic and quantum phenomenon at the same time (whereas direct Compton is … Inverse Compton scattering involves the scattering of low energy photons to high energies by ultrarelativistic electrons so that the photons gain and the electrons lose energy. For example, if you look at its spectrum across a wide range of wavelengths, it is not too far from that of a blackbody. Inverse Compton scattering can produce substantial fluxes of photons in the optical to X-ray region. with a lower energy) and the particle's energy is increased.

• Inverse Compton scattering provides a path to 4th generation x-ray source • Doppler upshifting of intense laser sources; “monochromatic” source • Intense electron beam needed • Extremely diverse uses –High energy density physics (shocks, etc.) The lower energy photons produced from this spectrum are scattered to higher energies by relativistic electrons in the surrounding corona. Inverse Compton Scattering e-θ λ L λ X • Normal Compton Scattering the photon has higher energy than the electron • The inverse process has the Thomson cross-section when hω<γ X e • The scattered photon satisfies the undulator equation with period λ L /2 for head … Inverse Compton scattering. Come già brevemente spiegato, l'inverse compton avviene nel momento in cui un elettrone relativistico o ultra-relativistico urta un fotone di bassa energia. The Sun is a pretty simple object, in some ways. In X-ray astronomy, the accretion disk surrounding a black hole is presumed to produce a thermal spectrum. Inverse Compton scattering is important in astrophysics.

Inverse Compton scattering x-ray source from laser electron accelerator in pure nitrogen with 15 TW laser pulses. Analysis shows that the mean frequency of the photons after the collision increases by a factor g 2 , so that high frequency radio photons in collisions with relativistic electrons for which g is of order 10 3 to 10 4 can be boosted in the UV and X-ray regions.