The degree you decide to pursue will determine whether you must complete a thesis. With its experiential curriculum, built-in professional development, and international perspective, the UBC MBA is a transformative journey. Widen your search to other top Executive MBA programs where a larger chunk of the learning time is allocated on the residential option. The MIT SCALE master's in supply chain management curriculum emphasizes analytical problem solving, leadership, and communication skills. Depending on the educational system applicants come from, they might be eligible to apply for an MBA as early as 22, if they left school at 17, got their Bachelor’s degree in three years and worked for two years immediately after graduation. If you decide to pursue an SM in Management or an SM in Management of Technology, you are required to complete a … MIT Sloan Mission. The MIT Sloan School of Management (also known as MIT Sloan or Sloan) is the business school of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. A career in business starts with finding the MBA program that fits your needs. The average age of most full time MBA is somewhere around 28-32 years old. ... That's why we've made systems thinking and organizational design key components of the MIT EMBA curriculum." I made a $60,000 investment in my education figuring that on the low end, new opportunities in my career would repay that within a few years. John Sterman ... Download the Executive MBA Program Brochure. Top 40 Executive MBA Programs in 2019 5 (100%) 16 ratings Executive MBA programs meet the educational needs of managers and executives, allowing students to earn an MBA in two years or less while working full-time. Thesis. Widen your search to other top Executive MBA programs where a larger chunk of the learning time is allocated on the residential option. Hello there, I am 45 an have been accepted into distance learning MBA school (quite reputable) - part time. Students must complete core and elective coursework, a master's capstone or thesis, and participate in SCALE Connect on the MIT campus during January. MIT Sloan is hot. The MBA Admission process is long with a year of your life invested in getting into a top MBA program. MBA age range. This is a rare opportunity to step back for a full year to rethink and reinvigorate your career and your life. However, if you wish to career-switch to work for a company, the part-time MBA may not help you as it is designed for students who are happy with where they are and just want to go climb the ladder into management ranks. MIT Sloan and the MIT Department of Urban Studies (DUSP) offers a dual-degree program allowing students to pursue an MBA and a master's degree in city planning. Its degree programs are among the most selective in the world. Working for the large System Integrators is tough; consulting is hard graft. Check out: Best Age For MBA: Don’t Wait to Apply to a Top B-school! A new survey of Executive MBA programs from my firm Ivy Exec, found that a degree from a top-tier firm could cost more than twice that. The MBA Admission process is long with a year of your life invested in getting into a top MBA program. The MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Community is dynamic and welcoming, coming together from diverse backgrounds and all corners of the world to learn, teach, and invent the future at MIT Sloan. An MBA is only worth the expense, time, and effort when the graduate plans to work in a business-related field, in management, or as a company founder. I have worked in IT consulting all my life (20 + years) in delivering major IT Business Change programs and I would say I have done OK. Ranked in 2020. The MBA opened the door to a world of knowledge and widened my fields of interest. In the MIT Sloan Fellows MBA program, you have the choice to earn an MBA, a Master of Science in Management, or a Master of Science in Management of Technology.