But the Germans like a softer, puffier version known as Lebkuchen.So, today, I am presenting the traditional soft version of the German Lebkuchen. Este site contém minha coleção de KINDER OVO, e tem como função mostrar para as pessoas um pouco desse Hobby. Poems, cooking and Christmas recipes from Dr. Oetker

There are many regional variations ( the most well-known is the Nürnberger Lebkuchen) to this traditional Christmas treat, but are usually flavoured with honey and spices and containing nuts and citron. Stollen and other treats. Pfefferkuchen, also known as Lebkuchen, is a German Christmas spice cookie, similar to gingerbread.

Pfefferkuchen, also known as Lebkuchen, is a German Christmas spice cookie, similar to gingerbread.

This site contains my collection of KINDER EGG, and its function is to show people a little of this Hobby. Feuerzangenbowle on Silvester!!!

There are many regional variations ( the most well-known is the Nürnberger Lebkuchen) to this traditional Christmas treat, but are usually flavoured with honey and … Pfefferkuchen, Lebkuchen, Plätzchen and other baked items. Book: Vollwertige Weihnachtsbäckerei.