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On the following, you will have access to the lecture notes and exercises. Authors; Gordon M. Barrow; Textbook. Physikalische ChemieInhaltsverzeichnisGrundbegriffe der Thermodynamik.....…

USD 49.99 Buy eBook. Buy eBook. Get this from a library! Prof. Dr. S. Seiffert . Sebastian Seiffert is full professor for physical chemistry of polymers at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. He obtained his PhD from Clausthal University of Technology (2007), with research on chain dynamics in semidilute polymer solutions and gels in the group of Wilhelm Oppermann. Semester Teil II: Gase, Flüssigkeiten, Festkörper und Mischphasen. Physikalische Chemie II: Welcome to PC II course given by Prof. Wolfgang Meier. Seminars 1-3: Dr. Elena C. dos Santos Seminars 4-6: Dr. Phally Kong. Get this from a library! Homepage. Founded in 1887 Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie covers the main developments in physical chemistry with emphasis on experimental research.