Examples: Anya is the one who rescued the bird.

Rule 1. Who and sometimes that refer to people.That and which refer to groups or things.. who → der/die/das und wird bei Personen eingesetzt.

His brother, with whom he is very close, is very good at maths. The only thing that keeps me awake is tea.

WHO WHOM WHOSE spent 10 years living with the Pygmies in Central Africa.

She belongs to a great organization, which specializes in saving endangered species. I have got something that belongs to you. whose → dessen und wird bei Personen, Sachen und Tieren eingesetzt. Grammar exercises lower intermediate level esl.


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Object with preposition: whom Mary, with whom I drove home, has a Rolls Royce.

Who oder Whom?

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2. What she said made me angry.

I hope you find it useful! Questions exercises: what, where, when, who, whose, which, how . Relativpronomen, Relativsätze, who, which, whose - Übung - Englisch Lernen 5. WHO WHOM WHOSE I'm going to support in the upcoming election. Bitte setze "who", "which", "whose" oder "whom" in die richtige Lücke. Quiz on Which, That, and Who: Below each sentence select the pronoun that will best fit in the blank. Du kennst nun den Unterschied zwischen who und whom . Relative sentences. (more common in conversation) There´s a short grammar explanation and some activities. 1. She married a nice young guy who was her senior at college. Mary, who(m) I drove home with, has a Rolls Royce. Man benutzt heute kaum noch "whom".Es wird entweder weggelassen oder mit "that" ersetzt. It´s an exercise to practise the relative pronouns WHO, WHICH, WHOSE in context.

relative clauses exercise. Lokua is on the team that won first place. Wh- questions and answers in English This is the house that I was born in / where I was born / in which I was born. 6. 4. Object: whom, who It must always be used and cannot be omitted: whom is the correct form though who is sometimes used in conversation: She introduced me to her husband, whom I hadn’t seen before.

Man benutzt für … will describe the process of arriving at the correct choice for that sentence. She has acted in a movie whose name I don’t remember. WHO WHOM WHOSE science project received the $100,000 prize. Englische Relativsätze mit who, whom, whose oder which üben Diese Sätze werden euch zeigen wie man die verschiedene Relativpronomen benutzt. which → der/die/das und wird bei Sachen und Tieren eingesetzt. Free English online grammar exercises relative pronouns. Regeln zur Verwendung der Relativpronomen who, which, whose und that.

"The Man That Got Away" is a great song with a grammatical title. Adjective clauses Ob du schon alles verstanden hast, kannst du jetzt mit den Übungen testen!

3. WHO WHOM WHOSE he so vividly describes in his scandalous new book. Exercises: relative pronouns and relative clauses in English.

The explanation.

7. Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #11097: Who, Whom, Which, or Whose?