i have a 9n tdi and had to change a fuse yesterday, and the fuse card layout was missing - Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves for they shall never cease to be amused. Jan 08, 2018 | Volkswagen Polo Cars & Trucks. Where is the fuse box on my Vw Polo? Anyone tell me where and what number the fuel pump relay/fuse is for a 53 Polo 9n 1.2?
Quick links. Probably the Worlds greatest Polo resource. The contents are not updated. The Self-Study Programme describes the design and function of new developments! 2004-2009 Volkswagen Fox Fuse Box Diagram. Will it be possible for one of u to take a pic of the fuse card layout for a 9n Polo. 2 Please always refer to the relevant service literature for up-to-date inspection, adjustment and repair instructions. MK8 and MK9 (6R/6C) Polo (inc GTI) - Years 2009-2017. 31.08.2016 (US:08.31.16), Category: Volkswagen / Fox. The card says it's f. Does this match the fuse box? I am trying to find out where the fuse box is on my Vw Polo 2002 Model. Fusebox Location . Ive lost my fuse card and I dont want to go pulling everything out. 16 posts 1; 2; Next; vwpolo16v Bronze Member Posts: 106 Joined: Wed Jan 17, 2007 … Chat about your 6R/6C model Polos here! Fuse numbering can be random at best, confusing the rest of the time. :/ Changing my fuel filter and need to depressurise the fuel lines obviously first. Which way is your fuse box mounted. Vehicle electrics in Polo Model Year 2002 Self-Study Programme 265 Service. Polo Forums . However, the plan on our fusecard does not match the layout of the fuses in our fusebox. was wonderin if anyone had the fusebox key card layout for a 9n polo dono where mine has disapeared so have no idea which fuse is which... helppp Jump to … CAn Any One Help Tommy April 2008: There is more help available. Skip to content. UK-POLOS.NET - THE VW Polo Forum. 2 Answers Vw polo fuse box layout 2004. you … - Top. FAQ; Rules; Logout; Register; Board index. We want to replace the cigarette lighter/phone charger socket on our 1994 Polo Twist. Buy VW Polo Mk4 9N Fuse Box Card: Fuse Boxes - Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases