A: "Do you want to try driving my car, to see how you like it?" I don't usually like hot tea, but it's so cold out that I gave it a whirl today. All Free. B: "Yeah, sure, I'll give it a whirl." To rotate rapidly about a center or an axis; spin. Whirl butter flavored oil adds delicious butter flavor to everything you make, without the hassles of butter or margarine. Whirl was a member of the elite Wreckers unit under the command of Impactor. Whirling definition, to turn around, spin, or rotate rapidly: The merry-go-round whirled noisily. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.

The Special Edition Series Whirl Ombré consists of 15 shades (color 551 - 565). schnell umdrehen, z. A mispronunciation of the word world...used by talent less songwriters and wannabe artists to rhyme with Girl. whirl 【自動】 グルグル回る、回りながら進む 急に向きを変える 疾走する 目まいがする、フラフラする 【...【発音】[US] hwərl | wərl | [UK] wəːl【カナ】[US]フワール【変化】《動》whirls | whirling | whirled - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。 Top Marken Günstige Preise Große Auswahl … 1. Whirl gibt es in vielen schönen Farbkombis und ist ein verzwirntes Farbverlaufsgarn. Never sacrifice your standards ... Whirl-Pak®. whirl (三人称単数 現在 形 whirls, 現在分詞 whirling, 過去形 および 過去分詞 形 whirled) ( intransitive ) To rotate , revolve , spin or turn rapidly . whirl definition: Whirl means the act of spinning or twirling, or a state of confusion. This cycloptic cadet is a cheerful chopper who will do whatever he can to help, even if his clumsiness often gets in the way of meaningful progress. See more. durcheinanderwirbeln to whirl up aufwirbeln butterfly whirl Butterfly Whirl {m} [Figur im Square Dance]dance circumpolar whirl [polar vortex] Polarwirbel {m}meteo. Whirl Calculator. B: "Yeah, sure, I'll give it a whirl." Die Knäule haben 1000 Meter Lauflänge und wiegen zwischen 215 und 225 Gramm 100 Gramm = 455 Meter Nadelstärke 3,5 - 4,0mm 60% Baumwolle 40% Acryl maschinenwaschbar, Schonwäsche, 40 Grad UVP 24,50 € Scheepjes Whirl, Cotton Candy Man, 760 . whirl translate: (使…)旋轉;(使…)迴旋轉, 活動, 接連不斷的某種活動, 回轉, 旋轉;迴旋. WHIRL’s give-and-take economy is a new way to raise money that eliminates fraud and removes the need to ship rewards, take out expensive loans, or ask friends and … Die Whirlcare-Whirlpools 22 Modelle • 5 Editionen 3 Personen • 102 Jets Showroom K-Luxury 6 Personen • 121 Jets Showroom K-Luxury 5 Personen • 137 Jets SHOWROOM K-Luxury Premium-Whirlpools, die Maßstäbe setzen und sich intensiv um Ihr körperliches Wohlbefinden kümmern. whirl - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. 1. Scheepjes Whirl, Rasperry Rocky Roads, 752 . Best of all, Whirl is up to half the cost of butter! 181 synonyms of whirl from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 125 related words, definitions, and antonyms. See also: give, whirl in a whirl … B. beim Tanzen] to whirl sth. give it a whirl To try something (often for the first time as a means of forming an opinion about it). Local time 3:40 AM aest 16 May 2020 Membership 865,912 registered members 11,573 visited in past 24 hrs 113 members online now 248 guests visiting now Big numbers The dancer whirled across the stage , stopped , and whirled around to face the audience. Synonyms for whirl at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Results you can Trust. Top-Angebote für Outdoor Whirlpools online entdecken bei eBay. Whirlpools & Swim-Spas MADE IN GERMANY Whirlcare 4.0 Die Whirlpools und Swim-Spas von Whirlcare werden im schwäbischen Deißlingen Lauffen bei Rottweil hergestellt.