The CDC did not realize they discovered this. Permalink. Dein Online Nachrichtenportal aus Bremerhaven. 28.1.2014 "Meta-Health" is murder 28.1.2014 J'accuse: Prof. David L. Katz knowingly supports a lethal cancer fraud 23.12.2010 The Fraud of the Metamediciners added 23.12.2010 Mega-Scandal in the American Film-Industry added 23.12.2010 Letter to the Kultusministerium of Bavaria added 23.12.2010 Letter to President of the Technical University of Munich added Nachrichten aus Bremen von Twitter, per RSS und aus Sozialen Netzwerken. So far, Swine flu, H1N1, has killed thirty-six children in U.S. and analysis of CDC data indicates Vitamin D deficient children at higher risk of death.

This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation However, anyone familiar This banner text can have markup.. web; books; video; audio; software; images; Toggle navigation Neuigkeiten aus den relevanten Kanälen der Medienlandschaft. Aktuelle Nachrichten zum Thema Lokalsport, Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Blaulicht News und Tourismus Swine Flu Deaths (too old to reply) Kevysmom 2009-09-23 17:16:34 UTC.