You can seek positions such as: systems architect, IT consultant, IS designer, IT project manager, UX designer, business and systems analyst, business process engineer and business intelligence analyst.
Uddannelsen beskæftiger sig med de problemstillinger, udfordringer og muligheder, der opstår, når it og øget digitalisering skal understøtte og spille sammen med udvikling, innovation og drift.

Andre VONTHRON of Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum (RUB) | Read 4 publications | Contact Andre VONTHRON After enrolling in this accredited health informatics master's degree online, you can choose from three practice-oriented tracks: Course Work, Report, or Thesis. Porsche Informatik realized that to become truly agile, it needed a fundamentally different approach to performance monitoring and management. Master i it-ledelse er en deltidsuddannelse, der giver dig de færdigheder, som er væsentlige for at være en kompetent leder indenfor it og digitalisering. Best Master’s in Information Technology Degrees Those who graduate with a master’s in information technology go onto work at businesses, for the government, and for nonprofits. The latter is perhaps the most intense, requiring you to perform research and prepare a formal paper under the guidance of an advisor. The Master’s in Information Systems provides you with outstanding career opportunities. The Cologne Institute for Economic Research reported in its "STEM spring report 2015", that the demand for workers in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) sector was more than a total of 47 per cent across Germany in April 2015. Those in the field of information technology help design, create, implement, and monitor systems designed to, for example, garner and retain client information. After graduation, you can pursue a career that links technology, people and business.

Dansk ‎(da)‎ Deutsch ‎(de)‎ English ‎(en)‎ Log In The career prospects for Computer Science graduates are currently excellent and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

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