How Premier League transfer deals get done The January 2020 transfer window for Premier League clubs opened on Wednesday 1 January and closed at 23:00 GMT on Friday 31 January 2020. All deals are subject to Premier League approval. Transfer records This tool can be used be show the most expensive transfers for defined sets of parameters. Simply enter the details of your search in the drop-down menus and click on "Show selection" to view the relevant transfer records. ... Jupiler Pro League 1e klasse B Bundesliga Premier League … Clubs are in descending order by their final place last year. (N.B. Relevante gegevens zoals de oude en nieuwe club als ook afkoopsom, marktwaarde en het transferdatum worden opgelijst. Simply enter the details of your search in the drop-down menus and click on "Show selection" to view the relevant transfer … Premier League. The left side lists added players, the right side lists player that left the club. Alle ingaande en uitgaande voetbaltransfers uit alle ploegen uit Premier League op ... Afgeronde transfers Premier League. De nieuwste transfers Dit wereldwijd overzicht toont de spelertransfers die het laatst tot stand gekomen zijn. Het transferrecord overzicht toont gedetailleerd de duurste transfers van de Premier League. This statistic list all transfers of a competition in the current season. Transfers Summer 2016 transfers by Premier League clubs 1 Sep 2016 See all the 2016 ... Download the Premier League 2016/17 fixtures to your calendar. Deals may appear here before such approval has been confirmed.) Er wordt onder andere de nieuwe club en de afkoopsom ogesomd. Clubs had until midnight on Deadline Day to complete the information needed by FIFA's Transfer Matching System to apply for international clearance for new signings. Ranking the 5 best transfers from Premier League clubs to sign Bundesliga stars in recent seasons. Ranking the top 5 recent Bundesliga to Premier League transfer deals. This tool can be used be show the most expensive transfers for defined sets of parameters.