Am 15-7-1979 wurde Travis Fimmel (Spitzname: Rangi) in nr. Echuca, Victoria, Australia geboren. Als Sohn von Vater Chris Fimmel und Mutter Jennie Fimmel erlangte er im Jahr 2020 als Schauspieler & Modell Berühmtheit zum Beispiel für Vikings, Calvin Klein, L'Oreal. Travis Fimmel & Calvin Klein. Soon, photos of his chiselled features and washboard abs were showcased in magazines and billboards all over the world. Travis Fimmels Sternbild ist Krebs und er ist jetzt 40 Jahre alt. He was the main attraction for all CK’s Crave fragrance commercials. Transformation: Former Calvin Klein model Travis Fimmel has taken on a new role in TV series The Vikings Travis' formerly flowing blond locks have been replaced by a shorter, tousled crop, while his baby-face is long gone - replaced with a hairy beard. This move launched dozens of billboards across LA with Fimmel clad only in his underwear.
Travis worked exclusively with Calvin Klein for about a year.

Travis Fimmel’s Calvin Klein Deal Travis signed the million-dollar deal to model exclusively for Calvin Klein for one year in 2002.