I've known the guy 40 years. On whether he gets along with VENOM INC. guitarist Jeff "Mantas" Dunn and VENOM frontman Conrad "Cronos" Lant, who, along with Abaddon, from 1979 to 1985 comprised the classic lineup of VENOM: Abaddon: "Not at all, no. His mambo-like ride work in measures two, four, and six and his funky, over-the-bar snare hits from measure two to three leave the listener in heavy metal heaven. . Venom, est un groupe de heavy metal britannique, originaire de Newcastle-upon-Tyne, en Angleterre.Formé en 1979 [1], Venom est considéré comme le groupe précurseur du heavy metal dit extrême, et à ce titre est considéré comme le plus important des groupes initiateurs du black metal [2], avec son album du même nom. Abaddon of Venom Inc sits down with Maximum Thresholds very own RadChad for an interview. I haven't seen him [Cronos] in a long time. If he walked in now, I'd buy him a pint." VENOM Inc - Iron & Steel - The Official Website. VITALS Band Venom Inc. Current Album Avé Age 57

VENOM Inc - the new album, entitled Avé, available now via Nuclear Blast. See also: Atomkraft, M-pire of Evil, ex-Venom, ex-Mantas: Mantas: Guitars (2015-present) See also: M-pire of Evil, Mantas, ex-Venom, ex-Warfare, ex-Last One Dying (live), ex-Dryll, ex-Scooter (live) War Machine: Drums (2018-present) Anthony “Abaddon” Bray of Venom Inc. answers that question in spades on “Forged In Hell” off the new album, Avé. MANTAS - THE DEMOLITION MAN - ABADDON. The Black Metal Gods re-united . VENOM Inc interview with Tarja Virmakari (MetalShock Finland) - October 2015 MANTAS & ABADDON interview with SkullBanger.net - Interview by TJ Fowler VENOM Inc interview - Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montréal - August 8th, 2015 Interview by Mike Bax The second single from Avé , entitled “ Avé Satanas ”, can be streamed now via the Nuclear Blast YouTube channel The first single from Avé , entitled “ Dein Fleisch ”, can be streamed now via the Nuclear Blast YouTube channel