Pages Navigation. In 1946 he searched for Howard Stark who was publicly accused of selling his inventions to the enemies of the United States.
As annoyed as Peter was by Flash in general, he was secretly touched and impressed by Thompson's enduring loyalty to Spider-Man. Flash Thompson is from the Non MAU series The Spectacular Spider-Man.. Eugene Thompson, better known by the nickname Flash is a high school student and star football player. Flash Thompson (of Earth-616), also known as Agent Venom and Agent Anti-Venom, was a former classmate and school bully of Peter Parker at Midtown High School.
After losing his legs in the Iraq War, he was offered a position in the government's Project Rebirth 2.0, where he was bonded to the Venom Symbiote, becoming Agent Venom. 1 - 20 of 225 Works in Peter Parker/Flash Thompson. Frederick "Flash" Thompson is a minor, but recurring antagonist in the 2000's comic books series, Ultimate Spider-Man.
Eugene grew up in Forest Hills in Queens, New York.He lived only a few blocks from Peter Parker. Más tarde, Flash reta a Peter a una pelea. Navigation and Actions. He is the stereotypical jock and frequently bullies Peter, among other students at the school. Eugene "Flash" Thompson is a student, along with Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy, at Midtown Science High School. What the comics tell us Anti-Venom appears in 2017's "Amazing Spider-Man: Venom Inc. Alpha" No. After looking up to Spider-Man as his hero for years, Eugene "Flash" Thompson got to fight alongside the web-slinger against Norman's new devilish persona, the Red Goblin. TopMovieClips 46,242,273 views Amazing Spder-Man/Venom: Venom Inc Alpha introduces a new Anti-Venom to Marvel's universe; and it's Spider-Man's friend, Flash Thompson!
At the same time, Marvel does have a few possible semi-crossover options. Recently, Homecoming cast member Isabella Amara divulged that her character, Sally Avril, will drop by in Infinity War.
Flash Thompson grew up in Forest Hills, Queens, New York, … Quentin Beck/Peter Parker. 1. Here are 10 things every fan should know about the man who would become Agent Venom. Ultimate Flash Thompson. No Archive Warnings Apply. Marvel's New Anti-Venom Is A Friend Of Spider-Man's - And The Symbiote. Flash has undergone a few different alter egos himself, going from Agent Venom to Agent Anti-Venom, with the new ability to heal and also harm other symbiotes. En la continuidad Ultimate Marvel, Flash Thompson es otra vez un atleta que asiste a la misma escuela secundaria que Peter y lo acosa.
Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Deadpool (Movieverse) No Archive Warnings Apply.
Eugene "Flash" Thompson ou Agente Venom é um personagem da Marvel Comics, coadjuvante dos mais antigos das revistas do Homem-Aranha. Flash Thompson, played by Tony Revolori, already exists in-canon. Peter Parker Gets His Powers - "Big Change" - Transformation Scene - Spider-Man (2002) Movie CLIP HD - Duration: 3:12. Despite his in-keeping traits with his 616 counterpart such as being an athletic jock who bullies Peter Parker, this version of Flash is by far more sadistic, cruel, mean, taunting, and dim-witted than his mainstream counterpart.