For people who are learning English, or even who speak it moderately well, these four verbs present difficulties when it comes to many collocations. We can use modal verbs for deduction – guessing if something is true using the available information. This appendix lists collocations of the verbs make, do, take, and have.. The words, "of our life" and "us," are not found in the best manuscripts. This page focuses on making deductions about the past. We use must have + past participle … In many of these usages the verbs are "light verbs" that lend relatively little semantic content.Other light verbs include: give, pay, put, raise, offer. The modal verb we choose shows how certain we are about the possibility. Let's use a question since questions are natural constructions for pronouns: Let's use a question since questions are natural constructions for pronouns: must have.
St. Peter could not include himself among those who wrought the will of the Gentiles. Let’s take a look at what happens with the pronoun and the past participle in an example in the passato prossimo.
- For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles; rather, as in the Revised Version, the time past may suffice.
Verse 3.