With The Buggles, Debi Doss, Geoff Downes, Trevor Horn. The video for the Buggles' classic one-shot, about how the rise of television (and, by extension, music videos) hurt the careers of those performers whose looks would not translate well to the new medium. Video Killed The Radio Star; Artist The Presidents of the United States of America; Writers John Wetton, Geoff Downes; Licensed to YouTube by WMG, SME; ASCAP, LatinAutor, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, CMRRA, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., PEDL, UMPG Publishing, BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, Audiam (Publishing), UMPI, LatinAutor - UMPG, LatinAutor - … Video Killed the Radio Star refers to a series of object labeling image macros which reference the 1979 pop song "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles. Robbie Williams- Video killed the radio star anne171188; 17 videos; 1,622 views; Last updated on May 6, 2010 Directed by Russell Mulcahy. The image macros generally show two people, one labeled "video" and the other, often a celebrity with a highly-publicized death, is labeled "radio star," implying that the first literally killed the other. Video Killed the Radio Star est une chanson interprétée par le groupe anglais The Buggles, écrite et composée par Trevor Horn, Geoff Downes et Bruce Wooley. Discover how The Buggles Become Video And Radio Stars: https://www.udiscovermusic.com/stories/buggles-become-video-radio-stars … Video Killed The Radio Star; Artist The Presidents of the United States of America; Writers John Wetton, Geoff Downes; Licensed to YouTube by SME, WMG; PEDL, ASCAP, BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, CMRRA, UMPI, LatinAutor - UMPG, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, Audiam (Publishing), LatinAutor, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., UMPG Publishing, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE …