All accessories for Gardena MICRO DRIP Plug. This Drip Tube has self-cleaning drippers already fitted at every 12 inch (30cm) along the length of the tube. Gardena garden watering the European market leading manufacturer brings you great quality products that are brilliantly designed and genuinely manufactured with care. The GARDENA Micro-Drip System Pipe Clip ensures stable pipe attachment and a defined spray nozzle fixture in the Supply Pipe. The 4.6mm connectors are unique to Gardena Irrigation systems and therefore can only be used in conjunction with Gardena micro pipe and accessories. A range of pipe clamps, clips and extensions ensure your system will be secured, therefore reducing the risk of damage. GARDENA Micro-Drip System Pipe Clip 4.6 mm (3/16”) – attach pipes securely to a fixed surface . Micro Irrigation Drippers (71 Products) Pressure compensated drippers maintain the flow rate over the system providing even watering. Products,Custom Design and Manufacture Vacuum Gas Liquid and Brushless Miniature Pumps With Compact Size and Light Weight.Alldoo manufacture micro diaphragm air vacuum pump and dc brushless motor pumps. This item GARDENA Micro-Drip System T-Joint 13 mm (1/2"): Practical connection for branching the connecting pipe (8329-20) #1 Best Seller GARDENA Micro-Drip System Connecting Pipe: Central supply pipe, 13 mm (1/2"), can be laid above or below ground, UV-stabilised, 15 m (1346-20) Gardena 1362-20 Micro Drip Tube 15m. Home Gardena MICRO DRIP Plug All Accessories. GARDENA Micro Drip System startersættet indeholder alle de dele, der kræves til nem og vandbesparende vanding af 7 potteplanter og tre plantekasser på altaner og terrasser, og er perfekt til præcis vanding med dryphoveder af potteplanter og plantekasser.Den trykreducerende hovedenhed forbindes let til vandhanen med GARDENA-systemets lynkobling. : Gardena 1401-20 Micro-Drip 30 Plant Watering Starter Set For Terraces : Automatic Lawn Drip Irrigation Kits : Garden & Outdoor Gardena Micro Irrigation Accessories are the essential extras you will need for your garden irrigation system. Adjustable drippers have variable flow rates, so you can change the amount of water delivered through each dripper to different plants or pots. This 15 metre Drip Tube from Gardena is designed to extend the watering capacity of a Gardena Micro Drip System.