Watch Queue Queue B10-19C GP-M2 Exhaust by SC-Project SC-Project is a race tested and race proven Italian exhaust manufacturer. La moto in questione è la potentissima BMW S1000RR alla quale è stato dedicato GP M2, un nuovo scarico presentato da SC-Project, frutto dell’esperienza degli ultimi due campionati mondiali di Moto2.Il silenziatore è totalmente realizzato in titanio e carbonio. Furthermore is a two time World Championship winning exhaust in the Moto2 competition with back to back titles in 2015 and 2016 with rider Johann Zarco. This video is unavailable.
The collaborations with the best teams of MotoGP, Moto2, Superbike and Supersport, together with the work of the R&D department allow us to offer an excellent product, both for professional motorcyclist and for … SC-PROJECT MOTO2 GP M2 .
Silenziatore GP-M2, in carbonio, con bocca di uscita ricavata dal pieno ... SC-Project TM - Tutti i diritti riservati. SC-Project exhausts are made right along side the same exhausts you see on MotoGP bikes and at race tracks around the world. The SC-Project CR-T experienced immediate success when introduced to the MotGP in 2013, where it assisted Aleix Espargarò and the Aprilia ART Aspar team take out the CRT title. Der SC-Project GP-M2 ist das Ursprungsmodell der Serie von Schalldämpfern für den Rennsport. Er wurde konzipiert und, um in der am härtesten umkämpften Kategorie der Weltmeisterschaft, Moto2, den entscheidenden Unterschied zu machen, wo bei gleichem Motor die Leistung der Abgasanlage den ausschlaggebenden Schub gibt SC-PROJ ECT 'GP M2' EXHAUST : BMW S 1000 R. Price (AUD): $ 1,010.00 .
SC-Project uses their MotoGP, Moto3, Moto2 and Superbike racing experience to push the limits and develop the highest level of exhaust performance. Carbon muffler clamp and carbon protection is included.
SC-Project: A dvanced Exhaust Technology.
SC-Project is a world leader in the construction of motorcycle exhaust systems. È vietata la riproduzione anche parziale di qualsiasi materiale presente su questo sito. Silenziatore GP-M2, in carbonio, con bocca di uscita ricavata dal pieno - BMW S 1000 R (2014 - 2016)
Watch Queue Queue. Uno scarico potente e di alto livello tecnologico per una moto altrettanto potente e di elevate performance. _____ In the slip-on line the specific link pipe is included in the kit.