The movie won multiple awards at film festivals, topped by the Critics' Week Grand Prize in Cannes 2019, the first time an animated feature has been so honored. A story of Naoufel, a young man who is in love with Gabrielle. Mature teens who value ingenuity and brave filmmaking will most likely find it very special. This seems to be another of those love it or hate it flicks and I gotta say I'm firmly in the former category. The music. Can you help me? IMDb makes personalized recommendations to help you discover movies and TV shows that you will love. I Lost My Body (2019) — IMDb. I Lost My Body's animation is wonderful. How does IMDb choose … With Hakim Faris, Victoire Du Bois, Patrick d’Assumçao. I Lost My Body is one of Netflix's latest releases and not only is it a fantastic French animated film, but simply one of my favourite films of 2019. Can I view In Development titles on IMDb? Directed by Jérémy Clapin.
Thaworldhaswarpedme #124: I Lost My Body (2019) Imdb. Recommended titles will show under "Top picks" in the What to watch section on the IMDb homepage. ... Where can I find my personalized recommendations? I'm looking for a film, but can't remember the title. Two story lines thread through the award-winning French animated film 'I Lost My Body,' one tracking a hand's search through Paris for its lost arm. ‘I Lost My Body’ Review: This Poetic Fable About a Severed Hand Is the Best Animated Film of the Year . The music, by Dan Levy, is pitch-perfect. First off. Synopsis: The tale of a disembodied hand in search of it's owner who, himself, is on a journey of self discovery and love.