Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! (dive) Gerund after phrasal verbs - exercise 2. The man denied committing the crime. To imagine. Weekends are great because I really like sleeping late but I don’t like tidying my room – I have to do this if my mum says so! To leave off. 4) They are teachers. The swimming pool wasn't (was not) (not to be) full so we swam (to swim) a lot. Bilden Sie Sätze mit der Verb + Objekt + to-Infinitiv-Konstruktion. Setze die richtige Form des Simple Past ein. 44f. (travel) 4. To go. Gerund exercises PDF.
I prefer eating out. 8) The cat is on the sofa. Their memories of traveling in Africa will stay with them forever. To give up. Like +ing 1. To avoid. I like going to the park. 1) Susan is twelve years old. 7) It is cold in here. Key with answers 2. 6 Worksheet on Grammar – The ‘‐ing‐Form’ Text: Alexander Chancellor, “The Queen is Dead...“, from: Martin Arndt/Karl Sassenberg, Australia and New Zealand ‐ Down Under On Top, Viewfinder Topics (München: Langenscheidt, 2011), pp. After certain verbs: I enjoy cooking. Gerund after prepositions - exercise 1.
b) Es macht ihr nichts aus, wenn Tim ihr Buch benutzt. Suddenly Joe fell (to fall) and hurt (to hurt) himself. Grammatik [OBJECT + ING-FORM] 2 Lösungen EXERCISE 1 Translate these sentences into German. To stop. 6) Our dogs are nice. 3) Nick and Bill are in the garden.
To fancy. 2) I am from London. A THE ‘ING‐FORM’ – GENERAL INFORMATION In the text the author uses various types of ‘‐ing‐forms‘. Find the activities and write them in the boxes. Yesterday it was (to be) my friend´s birthday. (Ich koche gern). c) Ich freue mich darauf, dass du bei uns einziehst. To carry on. Read and find. Participle Adjectives Exercise 1 (-ED and -ING Adjectives) Click here to download this exercise in PDF (with answers) Review the explanations about participle adjectives here This exercise is based on this list of adjectives. To keep (on) To spend . He invited (to invite) a lot of friends from school. Every day I’ve got lots of things to do.
To finish.
Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise 1 'Verb + ing' and 'to + infinitive' after certain verbs Check the list of verbs for this exercise. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Grammatik [GEBEN SIE DEN TITEL DES DOKUMENTS EIN] 3 Lösungen: Das Verb to be im Präsens EXERCISE 1 Setze die richtige Form von to be ein: am, is oder are. 1 Ich trinke sehr gern Rotwein. To consider.
The ing form (gerund) As a noun: Cooking (das Kochen) Cooking is fun! Complete sentences with prepositions + -ing: My brother is good ___ . To practise. a) Peter mag es, wenn seine Freunde vorbeikommen. a) the student / the teacher / do the homework / wanted b) the wild dogs / the ranger / bite / expected 1 Translate in English using gerunds. To delay. -ing form or infinitive +-ing: To admit. To continue. To think of + -ing / + to. To burst out. GERUND - INFINITIVE GI 6 Gerund or Infinitive – Fill in the correct form. To begin. Simple present and Present continuous tense (Einfaches Präsens und „ing-Form“) W150a GERMAN SIMPLE PRESENT PRESENT CONTINUOUS Ich lese ein Buch. Click here to download this exercise in PDF with answers. Are you interested in cooking?
Print the reference card, activity sheet and test for more practice.
Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. They are likely to show up at any time. e) Wir mögen es nicht, wenn unser Vater schnell fährt. 5) Are you in my class? To enjoy. It was (to be) very hot so we decided (to decide) to go to the swimming pool. To postpone. To go on. Need more practice? To suggest. To bother. To dislike.
d) Meine Großmutter macht sich Sorgen, dass wir uns erkälten. We called (to call) an ambulance. To deny. Do you want to practise using 'like' + ing in English? To mind. Have you ever thought of learning how to cook? I like going to school, and I love seeing my friends. (commit) 3. Remember to leave a comment! To miss. 1. Play the two grammar games to help you practise. (Kochen macht Spaß!) 9) I am here. Read about the grammar rule. After prepositions: I’m good at cooking. Welcome!
(Ich esse lieber auswärts.) To fancy. To risk. (fly) 5. Key with answers 1. I love playing games. I don’t mind doing my homework but I hate practising the piano! (show) 2. Play our grammar games and have fun while you learn. To involve. PDF exercises for pre-intermediate - advanced students of English to download for free.
He has always been afraid of flying.