Geschäftszimmer und Infothek: For more information on the enrolment process (which documents do you need, etc. Please note: if you are interested in the Ph.D. in Medical Research (3-year structured Ph.D. … Hiring an international student is much easier than many employers realize, and LMU’s Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) and Career and Professional Development (CPD) can assist in providing helpful resources related to legal status and employability. Die Ansprechpartner sind weiterhin per Email erreichbar.

Collect preliminary information at the Infothek, for example. 2/3 ... Hiwi-Infothek-III.3 Created Date: Westchester Main Campus; 1 LMU Drive Los Angeles, CA 90045 310.338.2700; Downtown Law Campus; 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 213.736.1000; Playa Vista Campus ), please see the LMU's respective website ! Application Deadlines Winter Semester: May 15 Summer Semester: November 15 .

Öffnungs- und Sprechzeiten: Aufgrund der gegenwärtigen Corona-Krise bitten wir um Verständnis dafür, dass wir das International Office bis auf Weiteres für den Parteiverkehr schließen. INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Name of Institution Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität ... home university and then send it by post to the International Office at LMU. Enrolment takes place at the LMU’s International Office. For further guidance, make an appointment with the Office of International Affairs (Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten) or the LMU …