Jinah Choi 089/2180-5982. The Faculty of Physics has declared this rapidly expanding field as one of its focus areas, and offers a special curriculum to motivated Master students. Studies can be started both in the winter and summer semester. Yang Liu 089/2180-5982. Talks & Seminars News Research Publications Teaching Members Professors Scientific Members Master Students Bachelor Students Administrative Staff ALUMNI Former Guests Events & Workshops Grants … She is currently a post-doc at the Laboratoire de Physique of the École Normale Supérieure in Paris. Master students / HiWis. There are still slots on March 6 from 5pm on. yliu@usm.uni-muenchen.de.

Results of the Big Bell Test published The results of the Big Bell Test, performed on November 30th, 2016 with more than 100000 participants … Two hundred and eighty scientists cover nearly all the fields of modern physics: astrophysics, elementary particle physics, mathematical physics, solid-state physics, biophysics and nanoscience, modern quantum optics, laser physics, and meteorology. Physik (Master) Period of Study: 4 terms (expected) Degree: Master : Requirements: Bachelor degree: Start of Program: April or October : Qualifying Exam: Yes Language(s): English Overall ECTS-Points: 120 ECTS-Points The Faculty of Physics at LMU Munich offers a four-semester Master of Science degree program in Physics. Latest News Research Teaching Publications People Chair Associate Professor Lecturers Secretary Staff/Postdoc PhD Students Master Students / Lehramt Erasmus / DAAD Exchange Students Guests Technology Development Join Us … Anna Pugno 089/2180-5982. We are located at the LMU University of Munich and at the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching. Startseite; Members; Master Students Main Navigation. If you are not scheduled yet for the examinations, please contact our lab assistant rueter-stimpfle@physik.lmu.de. Biophysics of Systems (Master) Hauptnavigation. jdiehl@usm.uni-muenchen.de. more. Christoph Neustifter 089/2180-5982. neustifter@usm.lmu.de . jinchoi@usm.lmu.de. www.en.lmu.de; LMU Munich Physics Home; LMU-Portal; Sitemap; Intranet; Breadcrumb Navigation. Email: dekanat17@lmu.de The Faculty of Physics is one of the largest in Germany.

Startseite; People ; Master Students / Lehramt Main Navigation. www.en.lmu.de; Faculty of Physics; Elite Graduate Course TMP; NIM; CeNS; Arnold Sommerfeld Center; Sitemap; Breadcrumb Navigation . MSc Physics - Biophysics Program. General Information. Valentina Ros who studied in the TMP program 2010-2012 wins the 2019 EPS-SNPD Early Career Prize for her work in statistical physics. In a coordinated hiring initiative, the University of Munich (LMU) has assembled a team of internationally renown researchers in Biophysics. Johannes Diehl 089/2180-5979. Frey group Broedersz Group Members Group Leaders Administrative Staff Guests PhD Students and Postdocs Master Students Former Members Research Research Centers Publications Teaching Contact Workshops and … www.en.lmu.de; Faculty of Physics; ASC; CeNS; ORIGINS; QBM; BP (DPG) Biophysics program; Breadcrumb Navigation . Home; Members; Master Students Main Navigation.