ZOO DE BALE - ZOO BASEL Basel (CH) Zoologischer garten basel, Binningerstrasse 40, 4054 Basel .

Wuppertal Zoo Wuppertal, Germany. Nails, claws or hooves form at the end of the fingers and toes. Parcs animaliers.

The Americas; Europe; Asia; SUPPORT OCP.

A Bâle, il ne s'agit que de la quatrième en vingt ans. K ö lner Zoo Cologne, Germany. ZooParc de Beauval Saint-Aignan, France.

Okapi … Okapis can primarily be found in the Ituri Forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Okapi Wildlife Reserve contained within this. Basel Zoo supports an okapi conservation projectThe survival of the okapi, which was only discovered in 1901, is linked to the future of the rainforest in its natural habitat. The okapi (/ oʊ ˈ k ɑː p iː /; Okapia johnstoni), also known as the forest giraffe, Congolese giraffe, or zebra giraffe, is an artiodactyl mammal native to the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. The teeth are adapted to the corresponding eating patterns and are completely replaced once in the course of the mammal's life. Zoo Zurich Zurich, Switzerland. Das Okapi-Reservat ist ein UNESCO - Weltnaturerbe in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo. Only female animals develop mammary glands, which they use to feed their young. Zoo de Bâle Naissance rarissime d'un petit okapi Les naissances d'okapis sont rares dans les zoos. Sie erreichen damit Augen und Ohren. Zoo Basel Basel, Switzerland. The individual sensory organs, and particularly the brain, have undergone a high …

Almost all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae.

Frankfurt Zoological Garden Frankfurt, Germany. Berlin Zoological Garden Berlin, Germany . Okapis besitzen eine sehr lange, bläuliche Zunge die nicht nur zum Abstreifen von Blättern dient, sondern auch der Körperpflege. Durée de visite recommandée : Demi-journée (2 à 4 heures) Situer cet endroit sur la carte Ajouter à ma sélection 1.

See Okapi / Okapia johnstoni in Zoologischer Garten Basel, Taxonomy of Okapi and other zoo animals from number zoos worldwide

Parco Zoo Falconara Ancona, Italy. Parc animalier urbain de 11 hectares, le Zoo de Bâle (aussi appelé 'Zolli') est le plus ancien parc animalier de Suisse (1874).