The shapefile is a common standard for representing geospatial vector data. Gaue (Singular: Gau) were the main administrative divisions of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945.. This layer is part of the Global Administrative Areas 2015 (v2.8) dataset. In Seeking polygon files corresponding to Russian Census? Bundesamt fur Kartographie und Geodasie - geodetic reference data and basic spatial data as well as maps, publications, reference systems and information services for the needs of the Federal Government, the administrative, economic and scientific sectors and all citizens. is presented a map on different levels, the most local being just one level under the oblast level I guess : . ESRI geodatabase (15MB) shape file (38MB) Date of last refresh: May 12, 2020. metadata map service An area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by an administrative unit. Germany. Mexican administrative boundary polygon level 0 (country), 1 (estado), and 2 (municipio) Mexican administrative level 0 (country), 1 (estado), and 2 (municipio) boundary polygons These administrative population statistics tables are suitable for linking to the Mexican administrative population statistics available on HDX here . 2.2 Create your own shapefiles. In the next exercise, you'll take things one step further. University of California, Berkeley. All shapefiles you need are in the shapes folder of your working directory; you can check it out with dir(). Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Data by country (non-US) Search this Guide Search. The Gaue were formed in 1926 as Nazi Party regional districts in Weimar Germany based on the territorial changes after the First World War. I would like to know if it possible to find a more detailed administrative map, on the municipality level if possible. 2 Obtaining shapefiles from OSM data. Europe [one level up] The OpenStreetMap data files provided on this server do not contain the user names, user IDs and changeset IDs of the OSM objects because these fields are assumed to contain personal information about the OpenStreetMap contributors and are therefore subject to data protection regulations in the European Union. I'm looking for a map of the administrative divisions of Russia, on a rather local level. There are several ways of working with Openstreetmap data and shapefiles. The files are available for almost all countries (note that Sudan and South Sudan are not separated) . This polygon shapefile contains the boundary of Germany (adm0). Iceland. Administrative Forest Boundaries. Geography, Territory and environment Administrative boundary is a sub layer of Administrative units and is based on the data set swissBOUNDARIES3D by swisstopo. 3 Obtaining OSM data from shapefiles. Administrative boundary Switzerland - INSPIRE.
Note that the Xapi is mostly overloaded these days, check current status here. 4 Working with shapefiles. The Gau system was established in 1934 as part of the Gleichschaltung process, replacing the de jure system of Länder (states) and Prussian provinces, … 2.1 Download shapefiles. You can get all administrative boundaries in several ways: You could make a call at one of the Xapi filtering by location (bounding box) and tag (admin_level).
Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Data by country (non-US) ... Shapefiles include administrative boundaries, road network, wadies, villages, and health facilities as well as surveys of the health facilities. DIVA-GIS-- Provides shapefiles of administrative areas (usually two or three levels), as well as vector or raster files for inland water, roads, railroads, elevation, land cover and population. DEU_adm1 is the administrative boundaries for each of the 16 states (like the state object before) Let's start by importing the shapefile and creating a map of Germany. 1 About Shapefiles. HGIS Germany Place(s) Germany, German Confederation, Central Europe, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Kaliningrad Oblast, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Poland Subject(s) Political Divisions, sovereign states, boundaries, Boundaries, Administrative and political divisions, and German states Year 1871-01-01T01:01:01Z Held by Harvard