Samsung will work with HYGH to help build a network for digital outdoor advertising.

Tiểu sử Sao YouTube Simon Desue. With entry into the Samsung ecosystem, the Berlin start-up HYGH can now distribute digital signage devices directly to partners and offer specific display solutions. Simon Desue xếp hạng nổi tiếng thứ 13690 trên thế giới và thứ 1682 trong danh sách Sao YouTube nổi tiếng. “Wow, zufällig fangen Apored, Leon Machère und Simon Desue gleichzeitig jeder an Videos zu machen. Was ein Zufall!”

Directed by Tomas Erhart, Heiko Lochmann, Roman Lochmann. HYGH enables digital outdoor advertising for everyone. Two brothers are having a concert but one of them falls in love with a girl, now its going to be hard for the two to work together. Tổng dân số trên thế giới năm 1991 vào khoảng 5.359 tỷ người. With Heiko Lochmann, Roman Lochmann, Milena Tscharntke, Tara Fischer. SIMON DESUE as of: 04-OCT-2019: SIMA DESUE as of: 06-AUG-2019: SILVIA DESUE as of: 05-JAN-2020: SILVANA DESUE as of: 26-SEP-2019: SILVA DESUE as of: 04-OCT-2019: SILAS DESUE as of: 04-OCT-2019: SIGRID DESUE as of: 05-JAN-2020: SIGNE DESUE as of: 04-OCT-2019: SIERRA DESUE as of: 05-JAN-2020: time, regardless of budget and location.