149. Skyrim is one of the most modded games of all time, with over 60,000 submissions on Nexus Mods and 28,000 in the Steam Workshop. Original upload 30 April 2017 6:43PM. These modifications either add new content, modify existing content in the game, or both. Two good places to look for mods for Skyrim are the Skyrim Nexus and The Steam Workshop. The official site for Bethesda, publisher of Fallout, DOOM, Dishonored, Skyrim, Wolfenstein, The Elder Scrolls, more.

Skyrim Mods are player made modifications to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Last updated 26 April 2018 10:19AM. - Généralement ont utilise Néxus Mod Manager & LOOT pour modé Skyrim, les as tu ?


Bei Übersetzungsfehlern bitte melden, damit ich es korrigieren kann :O) Credits: Thanks to hothtrooper44 for his permission to translate his mod and upload it to Nexus. Your source for news, features & community.

Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Avec l'arrivée de Fallout 4 d'ici peu, je me suis amusé à faire ce guide tout en re-modifiant mon jeu de zéro.

Datei überschreiben. Original File; Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information.


This modification is a lightsaber style weapons mod for Skyrim.

Skyrim Special Edition ; Mods ; Utilities ; ESP-ESM Translator - Deutsche Uebersetzung und Anleitungen; ESP-ESM Translator - Deutsche Uebersetzung und Anleitungen. - Normalement pour tout les MODS il a y a un "read me", qui t'informe des possibles bugs entre ton MOD 18+ et les autres MOD, jette y un oeil (garde l'autre il peu servir). 19,064. Eventually it will be focused around using magicka to wield them and a quest line to construct them. Die original-Mod muss zuerst installiert werden, danach einfach meine Übersetzung installieren und die englische esp. 3.10. There are many different types of mods, ranging from retexturing to quest mods. Ce guide ne contient pas les meilleur mods ou la vérité ultime du modding, je vous présente et explique ici uniquement ma façon de moddé Skyrim et les mods que j'utilise ou anciennement utilisé pour une expérience de jeu supérieur. This mod is designed to enhance the current marriage system in Skyrim; specifically the Wedding Scene at the Temple of Mara, fix various marriage related bugs (potentially an ongoing effort), and add mechanics to remarry. Deutsche Übersetzung der Mod Immersive Weapons von hothtrooper44. Usage All weapons can be crafted at a blacksmith forge and tempered at grindstone.

If you can imagine it, chances are there's a Skyrim mod for it.

Deadric smithing perk is required to craft them.