1st Clear thematic priorities Focus of the lesson for the BSC / MSC is the comprehensive and thorough training in all branches of chemistry. Advantages in training and teaching. The university has found scientific partners of international standing with the Potsdam-Institute for Climate Impact Research and the German Institute of Human Nutrition, the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics as well as the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – German Research Centre for Geosciences. As part of the unity of teaching and research specialization is in deepening and elective courses and integration of students in research areas of chemistry. The University of Potsdam is not only well connected internally but also to institutions outside.

Chemistry study in Potsdam. Here you will find the Publication Server, the University Bibliography and the Potsdam University Press.
I'm a professor of numerical analysis at the University of Potsdam and I hold an honorary visiting professorship at Imperial College London. Home; Curriculum Vitae; Research Topics; Publications; Colloquia . Le recteur fondateur fut le chimiste Rolf Mitzner. Welcome . Björn Steinrötter JProfessor IT Law & Media Law (Tenure Track), University Potsdam; Board Member, Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS) With degrees in music education and theatre education—and extensive student teaching experiences as an undergraduate—she’s well prepared for her new career as a music teacher in the Bronx, N.Y. On leave from Laboratoire de Mathématiques Complexe universitaire des Cézeaux Université Clermont-Auvergne 63177 Aubière cedex, France Research topics . Björn Steinrötter JProfessor IT Law & Media Law (Tenure Track), University Potsdam; Board Member, Robotics & AI Law Society (RAILS) Berlin und Umgebung, Deutschland 306 Kontakte Welcome to publish.UP - the publication portal of the University of Potsdam. L'université de Potsdam a été fondée le 15 juillet 1991 par la loi sur les universités du Land de Brandebourg comme succédant au Collège d'enseignement d'État du Brandebourg (Brandenburgischen Landeshochschule Potsdam), qui fut anciennement « École supérieure de pédagogie "Karl Liebknecht" », de 1948 à 1951..

SUNY Potsdam alumna Mary Catherine Sawyer ’19 landed her first job just months after graduating from SUNY Potsdam this year. You can also learn about Open Access publishing, its framework conditions and opportunities. Sylvie Paycha, Professor Universität Potsdam - Institut für Mathematik.