Page Transparency See More. Seguint les indicacions de l’ATM, TRAM ha augmentat el servei de dia feiner de les línies T1, T2 i T3 fins un 80% del servei habitual. Guests have free access to the fitness room and sauna in the well-being centre. The most extensive tram systems in France today are those in Lyon (6 lines, 78 km), Paris/Île-de-France (9 lines, 104.7 km), Montpellier (4 lines, 60 km), Strasbourg (6 lines, 55 km), Nantes (3 lines, 44 km) and Bordeaux (3 lines, 66 km). 306 people follow this. Media in category "Strasbourg tram line E" The following 85 files are in this category, out of 85 total. CTS placed a second order in 1996 for twenty-seven units, nine of which were 7 module trains, and eighteen were 9 module trains. Strasbourg - approx.

Download, print and take it with you to your trip The actual dimensions of the Strasbourg map are 790 X 821 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 32770. Community See All. Hilton Strasbourg is located near the European Parliament, just 3 tram stops away from Strasbourg city centre. Ja pots consultar els horaris en els nostres cercadors de i de l’App TRAM … 275,000 inh. El servei de cap de setmana continua en un 50%. It is also famous for its beautiful historical centre - the Grande Île - which was the first city centre to be classified entirely as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Strasbourg offers a wide network of public transport, including six different tram lines serving a large area of the city. (645,000 inh.

Tram de Strasbourg. Since 1994, the tram network has been more and more extended and with the return of a tram system in Strasbourg, an urban redesigning was decided, which has transformed Strasbourg into a modern metropole. 307 people like this.

Local Business . Twenty-six 33.1m (7 module) Eurotrams were delivered to (Strasbourg tramway) CTS for service on Strasbourg's line A between 1994 and 1995. Free WiFi is available throughout the hotel. Strasbourg (German: Straßburg, Alsatian: Strossburi) is the capital of the Alsace region of France and is most widely known for hosting a number of important European institutions. Local Business. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. About See All. 14-02-06-Parlement-européen-Strasbourg-RalfR-025.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 8.28 MB The Milan tram system (Azienda Trasporti Milanesi) acquired 20 units from Adtranz. El servei finalitza tots els dies a les 24h. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. in metropolitan area) TRAMWAY - opened in 1994 - network length 46 km, 84 stops (2019) - 6 lines - rolling stock: 36 … Tram map of Strasbourg.