The Göttingen State and University Library will continue to support you in your studies, in your teaching and research efforts with a wide range of services. + 49 551 39-5380 We will continue to digitalize more services in the near future. Our new Service monitor provides you with an overview.

Phone, adress, opening hours for Professur für Marketing und Innovationsmanagement, College & University, Göttingen 37077 Göttingen Phone : +49 - (0)551 - 39 14912. Statement von Prof. Dr. Achim Spiller (Uni Göttingen) zu den agrar|marketing|tage09 in Berlin !

Göttingen University Press is the publishing house of Göttingen University and has published scholarly texts by researchers affiliated with the university since 2003. over several time periods (days, weeks, months, etc.). Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Module M.WIWI-BWL.0134: Panel Data Analysis in Marketing 6 C 2 WLH Learning outcome, core skills: Panel data refers to observations from different individuals or units (consumers, stores, products, etc.) Dear visitors, welcome to the homepage of the Instuitute of Medical Bioinformatics at the University Medical Center. About us. It is managed by an editorial board made up of representatives of the various faculties as well as of the University Medical Center Göttingen.. …

... Susanne Schmidt Secretary’s office. Alumni Göttingen is a network of excellence and experience on a national and international level which has to be constantly expanded. The research focus of the institute is on methods in Medical Bioinformatics and applications in Systems Medicine.