Stan Lee, nel creare il personaggio si è ispirato a se stesso, o meglio a come credeva di essere visto dai suoi collaboratori.

As a result, J. Jonah Jameson grew convinced that "No one's a hero every day of the week" and "Even the real heroes can't keep it up all the time." Skyrim SE - Super Long Range Bound Bow Kill - Duration: 22 seconds. Luego se casa con la tía May. Esto dio lugar a los problemas de enojo de Jameson, así como su odio por personas enmascaradas como … J. Jonah Jameson is a fictional character, based on the Marvel Comics. Créé par le scénariste Stan Lee et le dessinateur Steve Ditko, le personnage de fiction apparaît pour la première fois dans le comic book The Amazing Spider-Man #1 en mars 1963. J Jonah Jameson. He was created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko in 1963. John Jonah Jameson, Jr. più conosciuto come J. Jonah Jameson, detto anche J.J.J., è un personaggio dei fumetti creato da Stan Lee (testi) e Steve Ditko (disegni), pubblicata dalla Marvel Comics.Appare fin dal primo numero di The Amazing Spider-Man (). A greedy man who demands much of his employees, Jameson is reminiscent of a fast-talking 1940's film character. [75] En la historia de The Clone Conspiracy, Jay murió más tarde en el hospital. Nebenbei will er Peter, der Fotos von "Spider-Man" anbietet, keinen festen Job anbieten. 2 years ago; 2,003 views; Dark Brotherhood contracts: Contract: Kill Ennodius Papius ... high atop a mountain LONG RANGE J Jonah Jameson subscribed to a channel 8 months ago SpenceIsAChef - Channel. J. Jonah Jameson, Sr. - El padre separado de J. Jonah Jameson. Er hält Spider-Man für einen Verbrecher (er betont warum er wohl nicht sein wahres ich bekannt geben will) und will ihn auch als solchen entlarven. J. Jonah Jameson ist der Chef der Tageszeitung Daily Bugle. 175 Followers, 712 Following, 209 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Big Ounce (@_j.jonah_jameson_) J Jonah Jameson uploaded and added to Rainbow Six Siege - TEAMKILLS 2 years ago 0:22. 94 … J. Jonah Jameson is the show host of The Daily Bugle, who mainly focuses on reporting on the actions of heroes and vigilantes, including Mysterio, whom he reveres as a great hero, and Spider-Man, whom he views as a menace to society.He, along with Mysterio and William Ginter Riva, is responsible for exposing Spider-Man's true identity of Peter Parker to the entire world. [76] Fue asesinada por un atracador enmascarado. David was an officer of the United States Army, a war veteran decorated as a hero; at home, however, David regularly abused his wife and son. [61] Joan Jameson - La primera esposa de J. Jonah Jameson. J. Jonah Jameson was raised as a child by Betty Jameson and his stepfather and uncle David. J. Jonah Jameson est un journaliste de fiction évoluant dans l'univers Marvel de la maison d'édition Marvel Comics.