H-alpha (Hα) is a specific deep-red visible spectral line in the Balmer series with a wavelength of 656.28 nm in air; it occurs when a hydrogen electron falls from its third to second lowest energy level. die Balmer-Serie, fran. That is, not every orbit is possible but only certain specific ones.

The assumptions of the model are: The orbiting electrons existed in circular orbits that had discrete quantized energies. Balmer was born in Lausen, Switzerland, the son of a Chief Justice also named Johann Jakob Balmer.His mother was Elizabeth Rolle Balmer, and he was the oldest son.
la série de Balmer) Joseph Balmer (1828–1918), švýcarský malíř; Lucie Dikenmann-Balmer (1902–1980), švýcarský muzikolog; Paul Balmer … During his schooling he excelled in mathematics, and so decided to focus on that field when he attended university. The Bohr model, introduced in 1913, was an attempt to provide a theoretical basis for the Balmer series. Balmer competed in the ARCA Racing Series and NASCAR Grand National Series, winning a Daytona 500 qualifying race in 1966. In atomic pheesics, the Rutherford–Bohr model or Bohr model or Bohr diagram, introduced bi Niels Bohr an Ernest Rutherford in 1913, depicts the atom as a smaw, positively chairged nucleus surroondit bi electrons that traivel in circular orbits aroond the nucleus—similar in structur tae the Solar Seestem, but wi attraction providit bi electrostatic forces rather nor gravity. Their formulas are similar to Balmer’s except that the constant term is the reciprocal of the square of 1, 3, 4, or 5, instead of 2, and the running number n begins at 2, 4, 5, or…

Earl Franklin Balmer (December 13, 1935 – October 25, 2019) was an American racing driver who drove stock cars and motorcycles. Les sèries de Balmer es caracteritzen per la transició d'electrons de n ≥ 3 a n = 2, on n es refereix al nombre quàntic principal de l'electró. Balmer (Mondkrater), Einschlagkrater auf dem Mond Balmer See, Bucht auf Usedom; Balmer-Serie, Folge von Spektrallinien; Balmer ist der Familienname folgender Personen: . Les transicions s'anomenen seqüencialment amb les lletres gregues : n = 3 a n = 2 s'anomena H-α, 4 a 2 és H-β, 5 a 2 és H-γ, i 6 a 2 és H-δ.

The Balmer series or Balmer lines in atomic physics, is the designation of one of a set of six different named series describing the spectral line emissions of the hydrogen atom.The Balmer series is calculated using the Balmer formula, an empirical equation discovered by Johann Balmer in 1885.. Balmerova série je série spektrálních čar (Balmerovy čáry) ve spektru atomů vodíku, které vznikají při přechodu elektronů mezi druhou energetickou hladinou a vyššími hladinami. Em física, a série de Lyman é o conjunto de raios que resultam da emissão do átomo do hidrogênio quando um elétron transita de n ≥ 2 a n = 1 (onde n representa o número quântico principal referente ao nível de energia do elétron). Other articles where Brackett series is discussed: spectral line series: …the ultraviolet, whereas the Paschen, Brackett, and Pfund series lie in the infrared. A serie de Balmer caracterízase pola transición dun electrón do nivel n ≥ 3 a n = 2, no que n se refire ao número cuántico radial ou número cuántico principal do electrón -o seu nivel de enerxía-. Biography.

Dres Balmer (* 1949), Schweizer Schriftsteller; Edwin Balmer (1883–1959), US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Autor; Emil Balmer (1890–1966), Schweizer Mundartautor und Walserforscher Johann Jakob Balmer (1825, Lausen – 1898, Basilej), švýcarský matematik a fyzik Balmerova série (něm. H-alpha light is the brightest hydrogen line in the visible spectral range. Balmer steht für: .