Piano Concerto No. Darius Milhaud - La Creation du Monde: Overture - I. by DrMarkAlburger. Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. Piano Concerto No.4 Alt ernative. Glenn GOULD DEBUT-conductor Leonard BERNSTEIN by Classical CHANNEL.
52:00 . « A présent je veux composer comme j’improvise », aurait-il déclaré au compositeur Antonin Reicha (Gérard Condé). Glenn Gould's U.S. Television Debut: Bernstein Conducting Bach's Keyboard Concerto No. Read about Piano Concerto No 4 - Zimerman, Wiener Philharmoniker, Bernstein by Beethoven and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. 52:25. 6:34. What’s most striking about … Concerto n°4 : En toute intimité. 26-jun-2013 - Piano Concerto No.
Plus souple, plus libre, plus lyrique, le Concerto pour piano n°4 en sol majeur s’impose comme l’un des plus grands concertos de Beethoven. Arrau Bernstein Beethoven Piano Concerto No. Dismiss Visit.. Title Name Translations Концерт для фортепиано с оркестром № 4 (Бетховен); Concerto pour piano nº 4 de Beethoven; Piano Concerto No. 4; 第4號鋼琴協奏曲 (貝多芬); IV Klavirski Koncert (Betoven); Concert per a piano núm. 4 was the piece with which Glenn Gould made his orchestral debut when he was 13, and he performed it more often than any of the composer’s other concertos. This recording, with Leonard Bernstein conducting the New York Philharmonic, was made in 1961. Stay safe and healthy. 1 in D minor by erp65. 4. 52:25. 4 (Beethoven); 4. 4 in G major, Op. Beethoven - String … 58. Beethoven / Bach / Glenn Gould, Leonard Bernstein 1957 (Columbia ML5211) by cgoroo. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. 4, Beethoven, Claudio Arrau, Leonard Bernstein, Munich, 1976.

Gould’s performance is thoughtful, nuanced, and not at all eccentric. Saved from youtube.com.