Find out useful details concerning this study course. Daniel RÜCKER of Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm, Nürnberg (OHM) | Read 5 publications | Contact Daniel RÜCKER

Email: raphael.verstege[at] Bahnhofstrasse 87, 90402 Nuremberg, Building BL, Room BL.234 Master International Finance and Economics (M.Sc.) close. Our international Master’s degree programmes have a high percentage of foreign-language lectures and courses, feature compulsory language courses and semesters abroad and are specifically targeted at international applicants. LOGISTIK MASTERS ist Deutschlands größter Wissenswettbewerb für Logistikstudenten, initiiert von VerkehrRundschau, der SCHUNCK Group und … : +49 911 5880 4114 Informationsmaterial Hier können Sie kostenloses Informations­material zu diesem Studiengang direkt vom Bildungsanbieter Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm anfordern. The International Office allows student and faculty mobility, our Language Center offers around 150 courses in 15 languages every semester, the International Business program provides one bachelor's and three master's degrees, and the OHM Professional School offers a wide range of academic continuing education programs. Course Profile as PDF Notepad Courses Study locations View Notepad. Prof. Ingrid Burgstaller Phone: +49 911/5880-2100 Email: Bahnhofstraße 90, Building BB, Room BB.312

Note course. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm Keßlerplatz 12 90489 Nürnberg Deutschland E-Mail: Tel. (in English)
Degree programmes taught in English.

Some of our Master’s degree programmes are also available in English.

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